This is a short post that might hopefully stop the flood of emails that I’ve been getting for the last 24 hours:
Google’s Page Rank seems to be updating.
Thanks to the 47 people who have emailed, Twittered and IM’d me to let me know.
While these updates can be a little exciting for some I’d encourage us all to….
Video created in September 2007
I’ve just been dropped one point yet my traffic is growing at 200% for the past couple of months. Just goes to show you that it is ambiguous and certainly nothing to focus on too much.
Having said that, if my site was at PR5 I’m sure I would be chuffed too. But then if you can jump from 2 to 5, surely you can go the other way.
It´s true that by writing quality content you will get better rankings at the search engines.My page rank has not changed after the last page rank update, it is still PR4.
I Google PR is being diluted? If so, it will it no longer be considered seriously? Many sites that were 0 or 1 are now 2 and 3. Many of these almost never update, some appear abandoned.
I easily found tow this morning that are weird. On one, there are only 3 posts in the past 3 months and two of them are guest posts. Yet that blog went from PR0 to PR2. I found another while browsing Entrecard that has an average of two to 3 posts a month over the past 6 months and it a PR3, up from PR1.
Does not make sense.
my pagerank raises from 2 to 3….not bad if you consider that I was 3, 1 and 0 respectively in the last updates!
My site went from 0 to 3 as an entirely new site (launched April 1st)
I can’t complain about moving up three spots in thirty days, then again I really focused on making sure that I didn’t put all my eggs in one basket. I made sure there was fresh content, good content, a variety of links, and worked on covering various other items. So compared to other bloggers, it was a planned launch.
One of my blog got PR2 from 0 and my best blog,in the terms of traffic and content for my niche,is still on 0…lolz
Shaan Haider
My test blog (I use it only for testing purposes – testing themes and plugins)… which has only 1 fake entry with 1 fake comment)… went from PR1 to PR3. LOL, that’s so funny.
HI Darren,
Seem that this round of updates got many talking and same here with me.
Looks like something is just not right because some site with regular content updates stayed with PR0 and some site that nearly 90% abandoned for the last 2 months increase from PR1 to PR3
This just does not make sense.
I hope someone can shed some light in what is actually going on with this crazy page rank thingy.
Cheers Mate!
I believe Google always update the PR every 3 months. How about other opinion?
While I appreciate Daren’s advice on building a quality blog and page rank will take care of itself, it’s hard for me not to be frustrated about it. Within a couple of months after starting my blog, I felt good about receiving a 3 ranking. Now six months old and featuring quality work, my blog, as of last week, is now ranked 2. So much for trying to build a quality blog!!!!
Suggestions would be appreciated
Zzzzzzz…… Follow the man’s advice, give it a rest and concentrate on working hard on your content. I personally find the subject of Pagerank truly truly dull…
If you increase your content and stay on topic (your blog or site theme) your visitor rate and PR will improve.
I’ve written tons of content on my site about drilling holes in very hard tiles like porcelain with diamond drills or holesaws.
My topic is a bit narrow and there is only so many pages I can add content too. But I was trying to raise my PR from 3 to 4. Should I just have a lot of words on the page about drilling tiles. Or should I import a blog from somewhere?
At the moment I use HTML pages which are static. And I have about 200 pages devoted to tile drilling.
I get a lot of traffic and its content relevent but I just dont think I need continuous updates on drilling tiles !
I noticed last week that page rank increased across the board. Is G lifting the lower end?
Thanks for the info, Darren. I honestly could care less about page rank, as I am just trying to focus on getting readers and eyes to my blog…
Well i think darren ur right. People should be focusing on building a better blog rather then worrying about pagerank all the time….
it is too bad
my website pr drop from 2 to 0
anyone can give me an answer??
Thanks for the info, Darren. I honestly could care less about page rank, as I am just trying to focus on getting readers and eyes to my blog…
It has been some time since my comment, and unfortunately, after adding literally hundreds of pages, my page rank has gone down from 2/10 to 1/10. Search Engine Optimization is very frustrating.