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Google Page Rank Update Rolling Out

Posted By Darren Rowse 30th of June 2006 Search Engine Optimization 0 Comments

It looks like Google is rolling out a page rank update if the discussions in forums are anything to go by.

Here are a couple of the discussion threads:

What is Page Rank and what does it mean (if anything?) Check out this post I wrote as an introduction to Google Page Rank.

Remember these updates take a day or three to roll out but there are tools around for checking future page rank like this one.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I do not know if Google updates the pagerank, but I already has over 1 years with a PR4, every time Google does not put it more difficult to attract visitors to our site, Google wants all the web traffic for them, is not just be left to compete and I am trying to get by with Google Adsense.Pero really earn a pittance if you have it 5 to attract more visitors.


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