Dan Norris
Dan Norris is not your average public speaker, in fact respected internet entrepreneur James Schramko refers to Dan as the anti-speaker.
With Dan you won’t get “rar rar” and you won’t get the same regurgitated message pumped out from event to event. Dan is not a public speaker, he’s an entrepreneur that loves sharing his up and down story and doing it in a unique, transparent and actionable way. He only presents when he feels like it’s a perfect fit with the audience and never delivers the same presentation twice, and never for money.
Dan’s dry humour and ruthless honesty always make for an entertaining presentation, but the focus is firmly on the audience taking something away. It’s not uncommon for Dan to spend 6 months refining a presentation for a single event, and for his talks to be consistently voted up there with the highest of the events he speaks at.
Dan has presented at conferences from Sydney to Bangkok, The Philippines and beyond, at events like ProBlogger, Superfast Business Live and Tropical Think Tank and alongside speakers such as Peter Shankman, Derek Sivers, Jadah Selner, Chris Ducker, Darren Rowse and Lewis Howes.
Keynote Session
How To Blog Like An Entrepreneur
As bloggers, our mind is normally focused on one thing, creating more blog posts. In this session, I will get your mind focused on something else, becoming an entrepreneur, and doing it through the medium that you love (blogging). I will share my greatest lessons in 10 years as an entrepreneur and 7 years in blogging, along with some super actionable strategies for turning your blog into a scalable lead generation machine.
- A new way of thinking about entrepreneurship and content creation
- A framework for creating high-quality content
- A strategy for skyrocketing your conversions and growing your business through blogging