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Email an Old Timer Reader

Building-A-Better-Blog-2Today your task in the 31 Day Project is a fairly simple one – it’s to Email one (or more if you have time) one of your ‘old timer’ readers.

Do you have readers that have been reading your blog since the ‘early days’ of your blogging? You know the ones, they’ve been commenting and contributing away to the point where they’ve almost become part of a the scenery on your blog.

These readers play a big part in making your blog what it is. Their comments are actually content that is being added to your blog, their involvement brings a sense of community and makes it a more vibrant place and their input adds to the knowledge base of your blog.

It’s not just new readers that you should be emailing a welcome email – but old ones too.

Shooting these readers a quick email thanking them for sticking with you and for adding value to your blog is something that I’m sure would create a great impression and build the loyalty even further.

PS: don’t have any ‘old timer’ readers because your blog is too new? Pick one of the other tasks from the last 5 days (they are listed at the bottom of this post) to repeat today.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Kinda be kinda to the people who have been with it!

  2. Great idea! Will keep this in mind – my blog is a little too new for this one yet!

  3. My site’s only one month old! But I guess I can still email someone… =)

  4. ooo i think I don’t remember my old time reader..
    It ain’t easy for me…

  5. Did something like this earlier this morning, before you even posted this article. Not to a regular reader, but to one that had been on my blogroll on an earlier blog. A bit of a coincidence, fo sure.

  6. Hmm, I didn´t have commentors until more recently. I´ll have to email some of the “older” ones. Thanks for publishing the link to my tip, it has already brought a flood of visitors to my blog!

  7. I just did yesterday.. I emailed a long time blog reader and asked her, very directly, how old she was, what she was doing and all, and I received her reply today! I guess if we can’t learn more about a person from his/her blog, email will be the next best thing :)

  8. Hey Darren, great idea. I’ve never thought about emailing readers directly. I usually reply to comments and leave it at that. You’re right that a personal touch like that can make a difference in the long run. I have been a reader of yours now for only a few weeks and stop by everyday to see what new insghtful comments you have for us. Thank you for showing us the way, the right way.


  9. I accept emails,comments,RSS subscribers, etc….I will respond in kind :-)

  10. I hope to be able to write to all readers as much as possible and include them into the blog. Still have yet to receive any comments on my blog. But I will keep vigilant.

  11. This post made me giggle because my blog is still too young to have “old time” readers. But it’s still a good idea to recognize those who contribute to your blog with an email every now and then. Until I get to that point, I’ll just have to concentrate on producing quality content to try and retain a few readers.

  12. I try to email every commenter, unless I they’ve given me a fake email address or are people spamming porn.

  13. yea darren its true, considered sending email as an appreciations for their support. this will make your relation with your old reader become closes.

  14. Good advice, Darren. I’ve been doing that with my network contacts for years. Maybe this is something built in the Italian DNA, I tend to stay in touch for life ;-)

  15. Another great tips! Thanks Darren

  16. This whole series is great. I will be recommending this to everyone that visits my blog. Thanks, Darren

  17. I actually just did this with a reader that has been around since the beginning about 5 months ago and has also been a consistent source of referral traffic to my blog.

    Not only did I drop him an email to say thanks but I am sending off a little prize package to him as well.

  18. Wow. I just started doing this a few days ago and it is already paying off. I am surprised that most people do not do this (as far as I know).

    Thanks again for this series. It is awesome.

  19. Good thing I read the PS part as that was the exact thought that crossed my mind while reading this post. Thanks for the tips Darren, looking forward to more during this month!

  20. I wish my blog was old enough and wise enough. Thank you for your tips, I have only started yesterday, but am almost caught up!

  21. Nice tip! As bloggers, it would make sense to look at old or long time readers as loyal customers. Keep the ideas coming! I’m lovin’ it. :)

  22. best blog i ever seen about this article! This is a very informative post. this will help me in my personal life and my works in dubai.

  23. I just started doing this a few days ago and it is already paying off.,so thanks for infromation.

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