CategoryYahoo Publishing Network

Yahoo Publisher Network RSS Ads
15th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Yahoo Publisher Network RSS Ads

Jen has spotted what we’ve all been expecting to see – Yahoo Publisher Network RSS ads. She writes: ‘The ads are delivered as images and seem to have an autogenerated script of some sort as it contains start and end tags in the RSS code.’ She has screen caps of ...more
YPN adds Ad Category Targeting
10th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 7 Comments

YPN adds Ad Category Targeting

Jen has news of a new feature on the Yahoo Publishers Network – ad category targeting – which allows publishers to assign categories of ads to their website. Publishers can choose two categories of ads to target per website/page/directory. This doesn’t mean contextual ads won’t be served – rather YPN ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
More AdSense and Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN) comparisons
8th of September 2005 Darren Rowse Comment

More AdSense and Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN) comparisons

Here’s another comparison (found at WMW) of Yahoo’s Publishing Network (YPN) and Adsense by someone rotating both on their site (ie every second impression would be getting one or the other ads): ‘I run Adsense and YPN on the homepage of my main site interchangeably to test which is better ...more
Adsense and YPN on the Same Blog?
7th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 15 Comments

Adsense and YPN on the Same Blog?

Speaking of Creative Weblogging – in writing the last post I decided to take a wander through their network – which has been redesigned in the past few months (boy did it need it). It’s scrubbed up ok – but I can’t help but notice that they are running Google ...more
Comparing AdSense and Yahoo’s Publisher Network
1st of September 2005 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Comparing AdSense and Yahoo’s Publisher Network

Jen has a very interesting post comparing Adsense and Yahoo’s Publisher Network ads on her Women’s Finance blog. It’s well worth a read as it reveals that both YPN and Adsense have some clear advantages over one another. If it’s high click values that you’re after it seems that YPN ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network Agreement Excludes Non US Readers from Viewing Ads
1st of September 2005 Darren Rowse 10 Comments

Yahoo Publishing Network Agreement Excludes Non US Readers from Viewing Ads

A reader just emailed me to let me know that he’d been accepted into Yahoo’s Publishing Network as a beta tester but that he’d noticed a rather odd clause in the agreement that he had to enter into. The section in question reads: ‘you are a US-based business and you ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
Yahoo to Offer Publishers Content… and Ads
25th of August 2005 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Yahoo to Offer Publishers Content… and Ads

There is a good, 5 question interview over at Search Views with David Zito of Yahoo’s Publisher Network where he talks a little about YPN’s beta test. The last question has be a little curious: ‘5. You were recently quoted in the WSJ as saying that Yahoo will eventually provide ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
Yahoo Publisher Network Rev vs. Google Adsense Rev
23rd of August 2005 Darren Rowse 12 Comments

Yahoo Publisher Network Rev vs. Google Adsense Rev

How does the Yahoo Publisher Network compare to Adsense? This is the question on many bloggers lips – especially those who are not in the US and are excluded from the beta test. Those in this boat are watching beta testers carefully for any hints – most of which seem ...more
Jensense on the Radio
17th of August 2005 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Jensense on the Radio

If you’re online right now with nothing to do you might like to log onto Webmaster Radio to hear Jen from Talking YPN & AdSense. Listen to the live radio feed and jump into the online chat room – I’m there now. Update: It’s all over and it was ...more