CategoryWriting Content

How to Make Sure You’re Functioning At Your Creative Best
A Guest Post by Livia Blackburne from A Brain Scientist’s Take on Writing. With the need to come up with interesting posts week after week, blogging is a huge creative challenge. How do we make sure we’re functioning at our creative best? At a recent conference, Harvard psychologist Shelley Carson ...more
Writing Content

Consider a Series. Seriously.
A guest post by Larry Brooks of In the recycled litany of advice on how to grow your blog – recycled because it’s all tried and true – there’s one effective strategy that gets too little airtime. Perhaps that’s because it’s not for everybody. Because it’s hard to pull ...more
Writing Content

3 Ideas for Moving Beyond List Posts: Creating an Experiential Blog
A guest post by Tara Gentile of Scoutie Girl. As a design & craft blogger, I often struggle with putting tips from sites like Problogger into practice. But I diligently mull them over and translate them to fit my needs. One tip I struggle with regularly is mastering the art ...more
Writing Content

How to Blog When You’re Not a Writer
In this post Mark Hayward shares some tips on blogging for small business when you’re not a writer. image by tomswift46 Have you ever accidentally slammed your hand in a car door? OUCH! I think that very unpleasant feeling can be compared to how some small business owners feel about ...more
Business Blogging

Navigating the Middle of Your Post – Without Getting Lost
A Guest Post from Ali Hale from The Blogger’s Guide to Effective Writing” – normally priced at $29, ProBlogger readers can get a $5 discount by entering the code “ProBlogger”
Writing Content

How To NOT Repulse Readers And Send Them Running Scream… Um…I Mean Clicking Away
A Guest Post by Cori Padget from Write Syntax and Big Girl Branding. In a word? Engage. Engage, engage, engage, engage. Get it yet? ENGAGE! OK, I’m thinking you get it now, kinda sorta. But in case you don’t, let’s discuss it further. EN… Just kidding! If you’re a writer, ...more
Writing Content

The BEST Way to Generate Lots of Comments on a Your Next Blog Post
Last week on my Photography Tips site we published a guest post titled Three Lenses Every Photographer Should Own. The author of the guest post emailed me a few days later amazed at amazing amount of comments left on the post. While the average post on dPS gets a reasonable ...more
Writing Content

What Are You Taking For Granted That Might Be Useful to Others?
I recently was chatting with a new blogger and they made the comment that after 3 weeks of blogging that they’d run out of things to write about. They had written 10 posts so far but felt that they’d nothing else to share of value on the topic. What surprised ...more
Writing Content

A Lesson from Curious George for Bloggers
The books of choice at bed time in my 3 year olds room are all Curious George books at the moment. He’s crazy for George. Needless to say that the 6 Curious George books that we have are getting read again and again – I pretty much know them off ...more
Writing Content