
10 Questions That Will Always Make You Better
A guest post from Larry Brooks of There are ten questions that will always make you a better blogger—even if you can’t always answer them. It’s the asking, the awareness, and the empowering context established through asking, that sets a higher bar for your writing, your business and your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Just Maybe… He Who Blogs Less Blogs Best
A guest post by Larry Brooks, of Or she. Regarding the title… it’s just a saying, no penis required. It’s not your father’s media anymore. Hard to cull the gender-based colloquialisms out of the language sometimes. She who blogs less blogs best is every bit as gender-biased… but let’s ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Crazy Stuff I’ve Done as a Blogger, and What I’ve Learned From It All
Blogging is like life itself. You get from it what you put into it. You can’t go it alone, success requires contact with, and some degree of acceptance and approval from, the outside world. Perserevence and maintainance are mandatory. Every day we are presented with lessons. Noticing and allowing them ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

10 Things I’ve Learned From Posting on Problogger
a guest post by Larry Brooks of 10. This is a huge community. As in, ginormous. Literally four corners of the world, anyplace with digital cable and a Fed Ex partner. Which means my frequently sarcastic American humor doesn’t always play places like Klagenfurt and rural Kirgizstan. 9. Online ...more

And The Typos Just Keep On Comin’
a guest post by Larry Brooks of I hate being a hater. I try to minimize the roster of things that I truly hate, and I try to keep human beings off it completely. Not easy sometimes. Just sayin’. But it’s okay to hate some things. Like injustice. Prejudice. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Your Blog: Time to Play
a guest post from Larry Brooks of With apologies to the character named Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies, who uttered that line as he was about to slowly fillet a helpless victim just for grins… … maybe you’re taking yourself too seriously. I know I was. My blog is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Why Professional Writers Need a Blog. Or Not.
A guest post by Larry Brooks of Pardon the cryptic title. Not trying to sound hip or flip. Just going straight at it. Today’s title is literal. Rather than the traditional try for a killer hook, what you see above is actually the point. Not recommended as a default ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Consider a Series. Seriously.
A guest post by Larry Brooks of In the recycled litany of advice on how to grow your blog – recycled because it’s all tried and true – there’s one effective strategy that gets too little airtime. Perhaps that’s because it’s not for everybody. Because it’s hard to pull ...more
Writing Content

This Time it’s Personal
by Larry Brooks of Just like pretty much everyone else reading this site, when I began my blogging gig I struggled to find a niche, and a voice within it. I was confident with the content and the agenda that would be the focus of my site. And, again ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips