CategoryWriting Content

Blog for Foreigners Without Getting Lost in Translation
This guest post is by Regina Scharf of Deep Brazil. Have you ever considered blogging in a language other than your own? You definitely should. One year ago, when I started Deep Brazil, a blog that shows aspects of my country that are seldom in the media, I had a ...more
Writing Content

Eliminate 21 Reputation-Crushing Writing Mistakes from Your Blog
This is a guest post by Stefanie Flaxman of Revision Fairy® Small Business Proofreading Services Writing mistakes happen. Unfortunately for you and your readers, writing mistakes are like speed bumps on the blog post open highway. They slow down the reader and remove her from your world—the created reality that ...more
Writing Content

The 8 Most Greatest Tips to Write Unstoppably Killer Headlines Guide Ever
This guest post is by Eric Cummings and Michael Cummings of On Violence. Nearly a year and a half into making small strides in one of the smallest niches on the Internet—the MILblog (military blog) community—our traffic started going up. We had one question. Why? Our guess is that—in addition ...more
Writing Content

6 Fiction Writing Techniques to Improve Your Blog
This is a guest post by Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn Many people want to write a book and maybe you’re one of them. Perhaps you don’t want to write a novel, but these fiction writing techniques can still help you improve your blog. 1. Character At its core, ...more
Writing Content

29 Ways to Keep Me Coming Back to Your Blog Again and Again
Teach me how to do something. Entertain me. Stimulate me to think. Tell me a story. Present me with some interesting research results. Make me laugh. Review a product or service to help me make a decision. Tell me why and how something applies to me. Show me a case ...more
Writing Content

10 David Ogilvy Quotes that Could Revolutionize Your Blogging
This week, I’ve been reading The King of Madison Avenue—an interesting biography of ad man David Ogilvy (aff). I’ve always been fascinated with Ogilvy and see a lot in what he’s done as relevant to bloggers. So here’s some of his more famous quotes, with a few thoughts on how ...more
Featured Posts

Use Google Reading Level to Improve Your Blog Message
This guest post is by Rhys Wynne of the Winwar Media Blog. Last month, Google launched its new Google Reading Level feature. What this does is algorithmically work out the reading level of the search results, to help users more easily decide which search results to click on. How is ...more
Writing Content

Forget “Content Production”, Think “Idea Exploration”
Since I wrote about creativity, I’ve been considering the issue of getting inspiration for blog posts. Some who commented on that article said they never have trouble finding post ideas. But others revealed that they really struggle with getting inspiration. Sometimes, they’re struck by it; other times, they have to ...more
Writing Content

Monthly Trends + Resolutions for a Better Blog
Happy 2011! How’re the ole resolutions holding up so far? Have you stopped biting your nails, started a daily exercise regimen, and organized your closets yet? Me neither. Still, ’tis the season for new starts, and while you’re thinking about improving your health, your home, or your life balance, don’t forget about your blog. Make a resolution today to take your blog to the next level in 2011.
It’s the beginning of the month as well as the year so, as always, Regator has provided blogosphere trends for the month, and we’ll use posts about these popular stories to inspire you to make a vow to improve your blog in the New Year. (The most-most-blogged about stories for December 2010, in order, were: Christmas, Wikileaks, Tax Cuts, DADT/Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Tron, New Year’s Eve, Net Neutrality, Elizabeth Edwards, Oprah, and Michael Vick.) Let’s make some resolutions!
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