CategoryWriting Content

Everything’s Already Been Said. Now What?
This guest post is by Stephen Guise of Deep Existence. Over the course of human history, nearly everything has already been written about extensively. Despite this, more people are writing than ever before. It’s because there will always be more to say. It is very challenging to write completely original ...more
Writing Content

Why Bloggers Should Also Be Freelance Writers
This guest post is by Ali Hale of Blogging can feel like a long, hard road—especially when you’re starting out. You haven’t hit 100 subscribers, let alone 1,000, and it feels like you’re writing into a vacuum. And even when you’re a little way down that blogging road, it ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Finding Your Blog’s Unique Voice
This guest post is by Jeff Goins of Goins, Writer. Your blog needs a voice. Like Pavarotti, it can resonate with power that is full of sophistication.
Or, like Dave Grohl, it can scream and shout with disenfranchised angst.
It can even sing sweetly like your grandmother or quietly hum ...more
Writing Content

5 Tornado Ingredients that’ll Ensure Your Next Post Turns Viral
This guest post is by Martyn Chamberlin of You know what it’s like to blunder into an article that seizes your attention? I do mean seize. Not something that charms your gaze for thirty seconds, then falls apart. I mean something you are absolutely compelled to read. Don’t misunderstand ...more
Writing Content

Writing for You, and Why it Works to Draw Others to Your Blog
There’s one common thing about the four blogs that I run today—I started them all for myself. ProBlogger Blog Tips: When I started ProBlogger I was experimenting with the medium of blogging to make a living. I was already doing it to some extent, but I’d been looking for a ...more
Writing Content

Setting Personal and Professional Boundaries for Your Blog
This gust post is by Sarah Baron of of Anonymous8. Boundaries in blogging are more important than you can imagine, because they set the tone for your blogs and for your relationships on and off line. I never considered the concept of setting personal boundaries on a blog until a ...more
Writing Content

Set Up Your Blog for Product Reviews
This post is by Mike Essex of Koozai. Regardless of the niche a blog operates in, it is possible to convince brands to provide free products for you to review. If it’s a well known niche, such as trainers, then the brands will already have products available for review, as ...more
Writing Content

A Journalist’s Approach to Blogging
This guest post is by Michele C. Hollow of Pet News and Views Journalists and bloggers are doing double duty these days. With massive layoffs and fewer staff, many are publishing press releases word-for-word. It’s been nicknamed churnalism. It’s when we get a little sloppy and use press releases as ...more
Writing Content

Is Blogger Copyright Dead?
If you’re reading this blog post anywhere other than, you’re reading an illegal rip of the original. Content scraping—by automated programs that pull entire posts from your blog for republishing elsewhere—and autoblogging—where sites regurgitate whole articles from your RSS feed on their pages—are the most common content ripping practices. ...more
Writing Content