CategoryWriting Content

How to Be a Good Guest Post Host
This guest post is by LJ Earnest of You often see articles about how to be a good guest poster: things you can do to make an impression and get your post published. But what about the flip-side of that? Do you have what it takes to be a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Promote Your Blog to the Media
This guest post is by Dan Kaufman of Mediasurvival. Most bloggers don’t promote themselves to the mass media … and I can understand why. It’s daunting to put yourself out there by pitching to professionals who work in a cutthroat industry where they receive—and reject—pitches on a daily basis. And ...more
Blog Promotion

6 Killer Writing Tips from a Great-Grandmother of a Copy Editor
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Meet Ailsa Campbell. Ailsa is a great grandmother of an editor (pun intended): she’s been teaching English longer than many of us have been alive. Needless to say she knows a thing or two about writing well. Here are Ailsa’s top ...more
Writing Content

Don’t Drive Your Blog Distracted
This guest post is by Chris The Traffic Blogger. I can tell you a thousand ideas I have on how to be creative and when/where to write, but I struggle to create a list of times when you shouldn’t write. Most authors advise that you create articles during the good ...more
Writing Content

Think Twice Before You Use News as Inspiration
This guest post is by Greg McFarlane. If there are already 100,000 posts out there that express a particular viewpoint, what’s the point of adding a 100,001st? Look for a different angle. If you can’t find one, then resist the temptation to rehash conventional wisdom, and go unearth yourself some ...more
Writing Content

How Compendium’s Web to Post Generates Content and Community
This guest post is by Jenny Dean of Business Blog Writers. You might have read my article about a business blogging platform called Compendium. Today, I wanted to share with you a fantastic Compendium tool called, Web to Post that allows customers or clients to tell stories about your products ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

What Drama Musicals Can Teach Us About Great Blog Writing
This guest post is by Achim “Chef Keem” Thiemermann of As the US webmaster and social media manager of Europe’s most successful musical librettist and lyricist, Dr. Michael Kunze, I am intimately familiar with his unique brand of storytelling: the drama musical. To this day, Michael’s combined works (original ...more
Writing Content

Going Gonzo, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Blog
This guest post is by Enzo F. Cesario of Brandsplat. “We were halfway to Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.” It certainly wasn’t the line that Rolling Stone expected out of sports and political columnist Hunter S. Thompson. He’d been sent to ...more
Writing Content

What to Do When You’re so Boring You’re Boring Yourself
This guest post is by freelance writer Jocelyn Anne. Have you ever finished one of your own blogs written by yours truly and finished the dang thing bored out of your own mind? To the point where it’s too painful to even re-read it for basic proofing? Well if you ...more
Writing Content