CategoryWriting Content

You Need to Be (Better Than) a Jerk
This guest post is by Joe Bunting of The Write Practice. You’ve been told that controversy sells. You’ve heard you need to use hyperbole in your headlines. You’ve tried to create polarizing content that gets comments rolling in like crazy. You’ve heard that being a jerk is the key to ...more
Writing Content

Develop Your Link Bait Repertoire
This guest post is by Jacob of One of the most basic things that we can do to understand how Google functions is to understand how they determine which pages are considered strong and which are not. At the very core of its algorithm is the reliance on linksóthe ...more
Writing Content

Talking Funny: What Can Bloggers Learn from Comedians?
This guest post is by Dan Meyers of Your Life, Their Life. I recently watched Ricky Gervais’ new show on HBO, Talking Funny, with guest comedians Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, and Louis C.K. These guys are the top of their field and use the show to discuss their strategies. If ...more
Writing Content

8 Tips for Using Quotes and Dialogue in Your Blog Posts
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Quotes and dialogue are one of the most powerful tools in the writer’s toolbox. They bring your writing to life. They give your piece voice and make the words jump off the page. As the famous writer Stephen King once said, “What ...more
Writing Content

Writing for Mobile Blog Readers
This guest post is by Brian Milne of the BlogHyped Blog Promotion Community. As far as you know, your blog is mobile friendly. You’ve optimized the design for mobile devices using plugins such as WPtouch. You’ve started serving Google mobile ads. Heck, you even have your own mobile app. But ...more
Writing Content

Let Twitter Improve Your Copy Editing
This guest post is by Jason of You know that one of the “tricks” to writing great posts is to keeping the content short, crisp, and clear. So why is that so hard to do? Adopting the Twitter method Ever write a great tweet and have to shorten it ...more
Writing Content

3 Questions to Ask Before You Publish Your Next Blog Post
This guest post is by Eric Transue of “Warning: this post may cause dizziness.” This is not a warning you want to put at the top of a blog post. But guess what? Many should. Why? Because some blog posts leave visitors feeling dizzy and confused. They come in ...more
Writing Content

Blogging Without a Computer
This guest post is by Janek Makulec of paylane. Blogging is actually a set of activities, but writing is always fundamental. Promoting your blog or presenting an outstanding layout is one thing, but you always have to offer good content first. Otherwise, the best you can achieve is being “the ...more
Writing Content

The Five Worst Ways to Title a Blog Post
Post titling seems to be something of sacred territory for many bloggers. We feel that the title contains the essence of our post, and therefore, it’s the essence of ourselves—our personalities, our messages, our brands. On the other hand, we see a lot of post titles on the Web, and ...more
Writing Content