CategoryWriting Content

A Quick and Dirty Guide to Your First Guest Post
This guest post is by Neil Patel of KISSmetrics. You can’t really turn anywhere these days and not hear somebody telling you that in order to grow your blog, you need to guest post. I know you’ve heard that before, but have you actually done it? Or are you looking ...more
Blog Promotion

Whose Blog First?
This guest post is by Shakirah Dawud of Deliberate Ink. Writing for three blogs on a regular basis, with the odd request for a guest post elsewhere, my writing plans are already tight. But because I write for overlapping fields of interest, my plans can also tangle. The most common: ...more
Writing Content

How to Host Guest Blogs while Building your Credibility
This guest post is by Ronique Gibson of Freshome. Once you have been blogging for a while, the reality of keeping your content fresh, relevant, and interesting becomes more of a challenge. One way to satisfy these challenges is to host guest blogs on your site. While there are plenty ...more
Writing Content

5 Blogging Lessons from NaBloPoMo
This guest post is by Karen Andrews of Miscellaneous Mum. As reported earlier this year, November is traditionally National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). This year I decided to set myself a personal challenge by giving them a try. Yes, together. In the spirit ...more
Writing Content

Your “How-To” Post Will Fail If You Don’t Use These Techniques
This guest post is by Neil Patel of KISSmetrics. Gone are the days when you could write a simple “how-to” blog post and rank in the top search results. Why is that? Two very good reasons. First, all of the general and highly-competitive posts like “how-to blog” or “how-to find ...more
Writing Content

9 Steps to a Daily Blogging Schedule
This guest post is by Caz Makepeace of y Travel Blog. I publish almost daily on two blogs. I have many people comment and ask me how I manage to do it, especially since I have two children, one being three months old. While it is by no means easy, ...more
Writing Content

Infographic: What Makes Content Go Viral?
This guest post is by Voltier Digital. Not every piece of content can go viral, but if you understand the basics behind what makes great content highly shareable, you will have a better chance of getting better exposure for each piece of content you create. The following infographic looks at ...more
Blog Promotion

Don’t Ever Write Without this Writer’s Warm-up
This guest post is by Karol K of Online Business Design blog. What is a writer’s warm-up? I hear you ask. I’m going to answer this question in a minute, but first let me get an initial “yes” from you. Did you ever notice that your initial piece of writing ...more
Writing Content

Why Fresh Blog Content is Now 35% More Important
This guest post is by Oz of OzSoapbox. I like to think of SEO in general as one giant cauldron of murky soup that’s never quite just right. The cauldron has been simmering on the fire for so long that we’ve kind of lost track of exactly what we’ve put ...more
Search Engine Optimization