CategoryWriting Content

Curate a Best-Of Post that Gets Read, Used, and Shared
One of the posts I’m featuring in the carousel on Digital Photography School at the moment is the Best of dPS. If you haven’t compiled a best-of list of your most-loved posts yet, you should. It’s very sharable: Take your best posts, make them into one post, and you can ...more
Featured Posts

How to Blog In the Moment (or What Acting School Taught Me About Being a Better Blogger)
This guest post is by Tommy Walker of Inside The Mind. Editor’s note: We’ve broken ProBlogger’s ban on offensive language for this post, as we feel it’s necessary in this particular piece. If harsh language offends you, you may want to skip this one. In the Summer of 2005 I graduated from ...more
Writing Content

The Biggest Lie in Blogging and How to Disprove it
This guest post is by Ryan Biddulph of You lie to yourself. Every day as a blogger. Okay, maybe you don’t. Maybe you don’t buy in. But you probably do. If you moan about struggling to blog. Writer’s block The lie is writer’s block. You have no ideas. You ...more
Writing Content

The Commonsense Approach to Fresh Post Ideas
This guest post is by Ryan Shell of Fashables. If you’re a long-time blogger, you, at some point, have inevitably looked at a blank document on a computer screen and thought to yourself, “I have no idea what I’m going to write about.” And if you’ve never been a blogger, it’s ...more
Writing Content

8 Rules You’ll Need to Become An Editor’s Go-To Writer
This guest post is by Thomas Ford of Whatever stage of development your blog is in, it’s useful to consider the elements that characterize a good blog writer. Perhaps you’ve recently begun accepting guest posts. What are the criteria that inspire you to publish or make the call to ...more
Writing Content

Three(ish) Techniques to Unborify Your Blog Posts
This guest post is by Stephen Guise of Deep Existence. I’m working on a secret project, and it requires that I read studies. The information from the studies is absolutely fascinating, but they are run through a science machine that sucks the fun and life out of them. The verbose ...more
Writing Content

How to Make Your Vlog Go Viral
This guest post is by Chloe Spencer of Who said vlogs are the only blogs that should have video blog posts? All blogs should incorporate different types of media in their posts, because not all of your viewers stay interested in a blog that never switches up the way it posts ...more
Writing Content

How to Bore Your Readers to Death and Scare them Away
This guest post is by Jack Samuelson. Blogging is no joke. There are millions of blogs, probably hundreds of millions of bloggers, and billions of articles online. Still, that does not mean everybody can blog effectively and run their own blog with success. So what about all those unsuccessful bloggers? ...more
Writing Content

How to Hire Writers for Your Blog
We’ve talked a lot about scoring a job as a freelance writer through your blogging—and Valeri Khoo will delve into the topic a little more this week. But today I wanted to look at the question from the other side of the equation: hiring paid bloggers to write for your ...more
Writing Content