CategoryWriting Content

20 Quick Tips on Writing Great Blog Posts
In preparation for an interview on writing great blog content, I jotted down some ‘quick tips’. While they are all short I hope that they might spark some ideas – enjoy! Tell your story – it is what makes your content unique Share how you feel – it will take ...more
Writing Content

Jeremy Schoemaker’s Ninja Tricks for Long Form Sales Pages
This is a guest contribution from Stephan Spencer. Web entrepreneur and founder of hugely successful ShoeMoney Media Group and the Shoemoney blog, Jeremy Schoemaker has found incredible success in the use of long form sales pages. Although at an early point in his web-marketing career he questioned the effectiveness of ...more
Writing Content

When You Have Nothing Unique to Say…
I’ve got nothing unique to say. It has all been said before. There are so many people who are smarter than me. Why would anyone listen to me? Have you ever found yourself thinking like this? If so – you’re not alone. At one point or another most bloggers do, and ...more
Writing Content

5 Tips To Writing Irresistibly Clickable Blog Titles
This is a guest contribution from Jackson Nwachukwu, lead blogger at You’ve just been inspired and you’re ready to write the blog post you hope will be a hit. The title not might be the first step in your planning process but it’s fair to say that most people automatically ...more
Writing Content

Write Less, Say More
This is a guest contribution from Brooke McAlary, founder of Slow Your Home. You’ve heard of slow food, perhaps even slow travel or slow homes. But slow…blogging? Really? Isn’t the point of blogging to be topical, with our fingers on the pulse of global trends? Don’t we, as bloggers, pride ourselves ...more
Writing Content

Magic 5-Step Plan To Writing a Post That Will Easily Win Pulitzer Prize
This is a guest contribution by Tim Soulo. I bet the next sentence will totally blow your mind! Ready? Though… I think a bit of preparation wouldn’t hurt. No really, when I told this to my friend the other day he had a heart attack and I had to drive ...more
Writing Content

How to Deal with a Firestorm of Controversy on Your Blog (Before it Suffocates You)
This is a guest contribution from Sherice Jacob. You’ve just hit Publish. You don’t know what will happen from here, but at the moment, you feel relieved. You’ve just written one of the most controversial, eye-opening, highly-polarizing posts on your blog. You know it’s ripe for debate and there are going to ...more
Writing Content

How to Produce Great Content Fast – in Five Simple Steps
This is a guest contribution from Ali Luke, author of The Blogger’s Guide to Effective Writing. Great content, posted on a regular basis, is vital to your blog’s success. But most bloggers, especially those new to writing, struggle to produce high-quality posts as quickly as they’d like. This is usually because ...more
Writing Content

How We Increased Organic Blog Traffic by 203.5% in Less Than 3 Months – And You Can Too
This is a guest contribution by Kristina Allen, marketing consultant for AdEspresso. Over the past couple of months my team at AdEspresso has increased our organic blog traffic by 203.5% and I’m going to share the secret of exactly how we did it! Step 1: Conduct Keyword Research When we first ...more
Search Engine Optimization