CategoryWriting Content

30 Lessons from Selling $30 Million Worth of eBooks
This is a guest contribution from our very own Shayne Tilley. Before you hit me up for a loan, let me preface this post. That number represents eBooks sold in for various masters and partners in the last decade. Yes there are a couple of mine in there, but it’s ...more
Blogging for Dollars

A 10 Step Guide to Becoming a Better Blogger – Starting Today
This is a guest contribution by Adam Smith. If you are reading this post, I am guessing that you have a blog and at least a few social media accounts or you are just starting out and have a interest in blogging. Right? Instead of trying things out at first, ...more
Blog Promotion

7 Unique Ways to Find Content Ideas for the Most Boring Topics
This is a guest contribution from Ellis McGrath, digital marketing strategist at VITEB. A blank sheet of paper (oops writers don’t use it a lot anymore) well in that case a blank computer screen is the most frightening thing a writer could ever possibly encounter. Sitting in front of a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Write a Professional E-mail that Gets a Reply
This is a guest contribution by Jackson Nwachukwu, freelance blogger and content writer. Who doesn’t know how to write an email? Everyone emails, don’t they? Well, let me start by telling you that there are emails and then there are professional emails. As a freelance blogger, writer, content marketer and what ...more
Writing Content

How Jon Morrow Crafted the Most Popular Post on Problogger
This guest contribution from Ahmed Safwan. Writing viral posts. That’s what we all dream of. We hope that we can write the next popular post on our blog. But what if you make it on one of the most influential blogs on the Internet (like Problogger) and get a lot ...more
Writing Content

Your Ultimate Guide to Creating Amazing Content that Draws Readers Into Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Ali Luke. Does your blog lack something? Maybe you post regularly, but your posts aren’t getting many comments or shares. It feels like no-one’s reading. What you need is pillar content. (Also known as “cornerstone content” and “evergreen content”.) These posts get links, shares, ...more
Writing Content

The Truth about Food Blogging
This is a guest contribution by Amy Murnan, writer of TheFreshFresher. It is slim pickings in the world of food blogging. I know this because, about a year ago, I had a bright idea. I said to myself – hey, don’t worry about your lack of job prospects after graduating ...more
Writing Content

5 Intellectual Property Laws about the Internet Bloggers Need to Know
This is a guest contribution from JT Ripton, a Freelance writer from Tampa. Intellectual property law protects much of the content that you enjoy on the internet. Though you aren’t always required to pay to enjoy this content, that doesn’t make it free for all types of use. Since many ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blog like Hemingway: 5 Writing Tips to Improve Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Victoria Elizabeth, writer for the Ometria Blog. If Ernest Hemingway were around today, he would have made an excellent blogger. From online news sites to individual industry experts and straightforward enthusiasts, people are using blogs as a way to attract consumers to their goods, ...more
Writing Content