CategorySearch Engine Optimization

6 Reasons to Link Away from your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Adam Grunwerg. The world of SEO and blogging is kind of limited in that most people will tell you the same things: “build high quality content and do personal outreach in order to receive natural authority backlinks”. For example, this awesome resource from is ...more
Blog Promotion

Increase your SEO with Team Content Marketing!
This is a guest blog contribution from Matt Ganzak, founder of and Content marketing and SEO is getting more difficult. Each day, there are thousands of new domains purchased and thousands of new websites going online. Most new bloggers and content writers will get started with their site, ...more
Search Engine Optimization

How We Increased Organic Blog Traffic by 203.5% in Less Than 3 Months – And You Can Too
This is a guest contribution by Kristina Allen, marketing consultant for AdEspresso. Over the past couple of months my team at AdEspresso has increased our organic blog traffic by 203.5% and I’m going to share the secret of exactly how we did it! Step 1: Conduct Keyword Research When we first ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Why Interlinking Your Blogs Posts is a Must (and Not Just For SEO)
This is a guest contribution by Daniel Vassiliou of Endurance SEO. Everybody loves (LOVES) to talk about link building and find the latest and greatest technique for building backlinks to your blog. While this gets you more traffic and better rankings in the search engines, it can draw away from an equally important ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Why Blogs that Allow Guest Posts Will Be Penalized in 2013
This guest post is by Jeff Foster of WebBizIdeas. Just as low-level article directories (ezinearticles, articlesbase, and others) got hurt by Google’s Panda Update in 2013, I predict that Google will hurt sites abusing guest blogging in 2013. I don’t feel guest blogging is bad, nor that all bloggers who ...more
Search Engine Optimization

How to Leverage Blog Comments to Increase Search Rank
This guest post is by Jonathan Solis of NutraSol Natural Center. When the topic of getting blog comments for SEO comes up, your first thought would probably be to get links to your site by commenting on other blogs. Well, I usually don’t waste my time with that technique, because ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Are You Following these 5 Headline Writing Tips for Better SEO Traffic?
This guest post is by Garrett Moon of Todaymade. There are so many variables to a great blog post. There’s the topic. There’s the writing style and overall quality. But few things compare to the headline. After all, your headline is the first thing that your readers will see, and ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Bloggers, Think for Yourselves: Reject the SEO Rumor-Mongers!
This guest post is by Dustin Verburg and Jeriann Watkins of Page One Power. Matt Cutts spoke, and the internet started to buzz about guest posting. This unsettled blog owners who were already uncertain about accepting contributions from strangers. SEO industry veterans declared “and from this day forth, all link ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Dear Bloggers, I Apologise. Regards, the SEO Industry
This guest post is by Daylan Pearce of Next Digital. There are three common reactions I get from people when I tell them what it is I do for a job. “What is that?” “Oh that’s cool, how does that work?” *Rolls eyes* “Oh riiiight, you’re one of those guys!” ...more
Search Engine Optimization