CategorySearch Engine Optimization

7th of March 2016 Guest Blogger 10 Comments

How to Improve your SEO by Speeding up Your WordPress Website

This is a guest contribution from Tracey Jones. Have you been reading up on all those facts about how sites with slower page load times (more than 3 seconds) have higher bounce rates? Or how Google ranks slow loading pages lower than those that load fast? If you are alarmed ...more
3rd of March 2016 Guest Blogger 12 Comments

The 3-Step Keyword Research Formula To Cast A Tsunami Of Search Traffic On Your Blog

This is a guest contribution from Tim Soulo. First of all, don’t panic. I’m not going to overwhelm you with time-consuming, overly complicated keyword research strategies. As a blogger myself, I appreciate actionable, no-nonsense techniques that help me start driving traffic, fast. This post will outline one such technique. I’m ...more
8 Ways to find trending topics and keywords for your blog and social media.
3rd of February 2016 Guest Blogger 17 Comments

8 Ways to Find Trending Topics and Key Words

One of the key success factors in marketing is the ability of a marketer to seize a certain moment – jumping on a trending item that will resonate with their audience, and repackaging it so it’s relevant to the reader. We’re all individuals, and what we like could be totally ...more
How to Triple Your SEO Efforts Just By Blogging
21st of January 2016 Guest Blogger 5 Comments

How to Triple Your SEO Efforts Just By Blogging

This is a guest contribution from Julia McCoy. If you’re like most bloggers, you’re probably wondering how you can produce huge results, the kind other bloggers retire doing. Or, you’re looking to gain a serious boost for your business via blogging, but not sure how to get rolling. Fortunately, this ...more
For when you're stuck in the "I must publish new content on my blog every day" cycle: three things to try to build quality links back to your site using the content you already have. Click through to read the whole post on
14th of January 2016 Stacey Roberts 8 Comments

3 Tactics for Building Quality Links to Your Blog

This is a guest contribution from Alex Ivanovs. Links remain as one of the most important assets for building a Google search presence. Many know that the Google Panda algorithm update was a tipping point for recognizing authoritative sites. Having a page of your website at the top of the ...more
5 Sure-fire Ways to Avoid a Google Penguin Penalty (Which you REALLY don't want!) on ProBlogger.
23rd of November 2015 Guest Blogger 27 Comments

5 Sure-fire Ways to Avoid a Google Penguin Penalty

This is a guest contribution from Steve Ceaton. So recently Gary Illyes from Google announced that hopefully by the end of 2015, Penguin updates will be carried out in real-time. Waiting for the next Penguin update has been the bane of many a website owners’ life, and getting hit with ...more
18th of November 2015 Guest Blogger 13 Comments

Using Google Analytics to Unlock the Secrets of your Blog’s Audience

This is a guest contribution from Benjamin Mangold of Loves Data. Do you ever think Google Analytics is a bit overwhelming? Do you ever get stuck on where to start? If you’ve already logged into Google Analytics then you’ll know it provides an incredible amount of information which you can ...more
5 Things to Pay Attention to When Considering Local SEO and Your Blog
2nd of November 2015 Guest Blogger 8 Comments

5 Things to Pay Attention to When Considering Local SEO and Your Blog

This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. People are always talking about how SEO affects the quantity and quality of traffic your blog receives, but you’ll rarely hear local SEO discussed in terms of blogging. Most people feel like local SEO is reserved for physical businesses, but your blog ...more
3 Content Tweaks to Increase Your Blog Traffic without Spending a Penny
11th of May 2015 Guest Blogger 61 Comments

3 Content Tweaks to Increase Your Blog Traffic without Spending a Penny

This is a guest contribution from Jawad Khan. Who doesn’t like more traffic? Not matter how many monthly blog visitors you have, you still want more. Because more traffic means more opportunities to build relationships, generate leads, close deals and make money. However, the problem with most of the conventional ...more
Search Engine Optimization