CategorySearch Engine Optimization

Targeting Secondary Keywords on Your Blog
21st of October 2005 Darren Rowse 15 Comments

Targeting Secondary Keywords on Your Blog

Jamsi has published a worthwhile post over at workboxers on how he used the Overture tool to find a keyword that was less searched for but also less competitive to target his blog on. He explains it a lot better than I do: ‘I noticed that the keyword “Funny vids” ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google PR Update Underway
20th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 66 Comments

Google PR Update Underway

The Google Page Rank update is underway – you can check what your PR will/could be using this Future Page Rank Tool to track what the different data centers have your page rank at. Keep in mind that Page Rank is not the be all and end all – you ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google PR Update Imminent?
16th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 29 Comments

Google PR Update Imminent?

I’ve heard from a number of ‘interesting’ sources that Google will be gearing up for another Page Rank (and maybe a back link) update in the coming fortnight. There are no guarantees on that – but I’ve heard it from four people now so maybe there is something in the ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Advice on Moving Blogs to a New Domain
15th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 20 Comments

Advice on Moving Blogs to a New Domain

A common problem that many bloggers face is having to work out what to do with a blog that is trapped on a domain that they wish they’d never started it on. An example of this is starting out of a Blogspot or hosted TypePad blog and then realizing that ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Search Engine Ranking Factors
30th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 9 Comments

Search Engine Ranking Factors

Steve Rubel points to a useful resource over at seomoz on Search Engine Ranking Factors which is one of the better descriptions of how Search Engines rank pages that I’ve seen recently. It lists 93 factors to keep in mind. Sounds like a lot to remember – so luckily they’ve ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google Blog Search – First Look Review
14th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 12 Comments

Google Blog Search – First Look Review

My initial reflections on Google’s Blog Search: the basic bones of the technology seem to be there. basically it seems to be using similar (or the same) technology as Google News. they seem to be indexing new posts very quickly which is great. the pool of blogs that they are ...more
Understanding Google Updates
9th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Understanding Google Updates

Matt Cutts (from Google) has an enlightening post on his blog titled – What’s an update? which quite simply lays out information on the topic of their updating system. I’m sure it’s more complicated than he’s outlined here but the information resonates with my experience of Google’s updating system as ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google Backlink (and Page Rank) Update in Progress
6th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 28 Comments

Google Backlink (and Page Rank) Update in Progress

I had a hunch that Google would do an update this weekend and this morning I have logged on to find that an backlink update is under way. I had a feeling they’d use the long weekend to do it. Update: It looks like this could be a Page Rank ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Dashes vs. underscores in SEO
26th of August 2005 Darren Rowse 21 Comments

Dashes vs. underscores in SEO

I regularly get asked whether dashes or underscores in URLs are better for search engine optimization. ie which of the following is best – or ? For the past six or so months I’ve leant towards dashes instead of underscores – but it’s always been a ‘best guess’. ...more
Search Engine Optimization