CategorySearch Engine Optimization

Google Page Rank Update Rolling Out
30th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 44 Comments

Google Page Rank Update Rolling Out

It looks like Google is rolling out a page rank update if the discussions in forums are anything to go by. Here are a couple of the discussion threads: Google pagerank is Updating – DP New Page Rank Showing – WMW What is Page Rank and what does it mean ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Title Tags and SEO
23rd of June 2006 Darren Rowse 21 Comments

Title Tags and SEO

Speaking of SEO – Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been paying attention to the way bloggers (and other websites) use their title tags (title tags are in your source code and are what determines what is shown in the top bar of your browser). In your source code ...more
Search Engine Optimization
How to Optimize a WordPress Blog for SEO
22nd of June 2006 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

How to Optimize a WordPress Blog for SEO

Thanks to Jeremy for letting me know about this excellent post on Optimizing WordPress for SEO. It’s amazing what a few simple tweaks will do to your search engine ranking. Once you’ve read it you might also be interested in my own post on SEO for blogs.
Search Engine Optimization
How much Traffic does Being Ranked 1 on Google Bring?
21st of June 2006 Darren Rowse 19 Comments

How much Traffic does Being Ranked 1 on Google Bring?

Ever wonder how much traffic the top keyword position on Google can bring in on a keyword? Chris Smith sheds a little light on the topic and gives an example of one site he was working on that had a very popular term (which he calls ‘term X’ that fell ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Bloggers Reporting Changes in Google Traffic Levels – Sandbox Updated?
17th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 27 Comments

Bloggers Reporting Changes in Google Traffic Levels – Sandbox Updated?

I’ve had email from three separate bloggers today asking me to explain why they’ve seen increases in traffic over the last 24 hours from Google. I’m not an SEO expert and wouldn’t claim to really understand the ins and outs of how Google updates but there seems to be movement ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Changing domain names
6th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Changing domain names

Paul Allen has written a post that is well worth the read if you’re looking at moving your blog to a new domain (always a scary thing to do). Unfortunately Paul learnt a lesson the hard way but is generous enough to share his story so that others might learn ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google Updating?
3rd of May 2006 Darren Rowse 19 Comments

Google Updating?

I’m not sure exactly what’s going on but I suspect that Google is doing some tweaking/updating at present as I’ve had a number of bloggers emailing to report that they are seeing greater shifts than normal in their SERPs (the position of their site for certain keywords in Google). There ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google Testing ‘Search this Site’ Within Search Results
20th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 6 Comments

Google Testing ‘Search this Site’ Within Search Results

Cybernet News reports that Google are testing a new feature that will allow it’s users to search specific sites from within search results: ‘The new layout will provide more information to users about a site simply by selecting the expandable arrow. Once the arrow is selected then more information will ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Blogs Are About Being Elite
4th of April 2006 Guest Blogger 57 Comments

Blogs Are About Being Elite

There is nothing like a good controversy, and have I got controversy for you today. Since this is the first guest post while Darren is gone, it seems appropriate to make things necessarily volatile right from the start. The subject today is elitism and its place in blogging. You see, ...more
Search Engine Optimization