CategorySearch Engine Optimization

How Long Should a Post Be?
14th of June 2007 Darren Rowse 63 Comments

How Long Should a Post Be?

mistergin asks – “I notice most of your blog entries are short. I have a habit of not necessarily being long winded, but very detailed. I want to cover all the bases and make the article “full”. However, I realize that I start running into posts that scroll through 2 ...more
Search Engine Optimization
What to do with 10 Hours on Your Blog?
12th of June 2007 Darren Rowse 30 Comments

What to do with 10 Hours on Your Blog?

Ross asks – “What is more important, working on getting more traffic (digg, links from high traffic sites) or working on search engine optimisation? If you had 10 hours to spend on one or the other which would benefit you more?” I think both strategies can be important for a ...more
Blog Promotion
How Much Does Fresh Content Matter in SEO?
19th of May 2007 Darren Rowse 39 Comments

How Much Does Fresh Content Matter in SEO?

One principle of SEO that is fairly widely accepted and taught by SEOs is the benefits of having frequently updated content. The idea that Google and other search engines feed on fresh content is one that I’ve heard talked about on many occasions. However it doesn’t always seem to be ...more
Search Engine Optimization
How Google Blogsearch ranks your Posts… In their own words!
18th of April 2007 Darren Rowse 61 Comments

How Google Blogsearch ranks your Posts… In their own words!

The following guest post was submitted by Alister Cameron. Read his blog at Alister Cameron – Blogologist. I was reading through the Google Blogsearch patent application today. It was filed back in September 2005 and never mentions Blogsearch by name, of course. In reading through all the convoluted legaleze, I ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Is Your Blog Template Holding You Back?
12th of April 2007 Wendy Piersall 42 Comments

Is Your Blog Template Holding You Back?

This Guest Post was written by Wendy Piersall from eMoms at Home. In the first few months of blogging, there was SO much to learn. I figured that SEO was one of those battles I would tackle once I was “more established”. But after 9 months or so, I hired ...more
Search Engine Optimization
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Lots of Link Love
5th of April 2007 Wendy Piersall 50 Comments

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Lots of Link Love

This Guest Post was written by Wendy Piersall from eMoms at Home. Good link love, bad link love, do we really care who links to us? A savvy blogger would say yes and no. Based on the 80-20 rule of business – 80% of your traffic will come from only ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Get Backlinks
25th of March 2007 Darren Rowse 136 Comments

How to Get Backlinks

GuruMonetizer asks – can you describe how did you get backlinks for problogger over the time? Thanks for the question GuruMonetizer. There’s no real secret to this one – I simply went about my business of blogging in a way that I felt would provide the most useful information and ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Do Outbound Links Matter for SEO (and more)
21st of March 2007 Darren Rowse 49 Comments

Do Outbound Links Matter for SEO (and more)

Craig Harper asks – Thanks to the tips provided by yourself, Yaro, and Aaron Wall I’ve just managed to finally crack into the top ten on Google for my keywords ‘motivational speaker’. I read over on Yaro’s site here about the importance of outbound links being targeted at your niche. ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Secret Confessions of a Link-A-Holic
24th of February 2007 Darren Rowse 76 Comments

Secret Confessions of a Link-A-Holic

Is it just me or has everyone been becoming a little ‘link obsessed’ lately? This week I’ve been counting the number of posts I’ve seen written about getting links for your blog – I’m over 40 and still counting. Posts I’ve seen this week so far have covered: How to ...more
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