
75% of ProBlogger Readers Don’t run Ads in RSS
13th of February 2006 Darren Rowse 9 Comments

75% of ProBlogger Readers Don’t run Ads in RSS

Last week’s poll asked – ‘Do You Run RSS Ads in any of Your Blog’s Feeds?’ The results: * Yes: 17% (43) * No: 75% (190) * I don’t have a Blog: 8% (19) Total Votes : 252 Comment on the poll were at this post. PS: there is no ...more
RSS Ads – Poll
7th of February 2006 Darren Rowse 21 Comments

RSS Ads – Poll

This week’s poll of the week asks: ‘Do You Run RSS Ads in any of Your Blog’s Feeds?’ Feel free to discuss your answers here. Particularly you might like to discuss the follow up questions of ‘Are they Worth their While for you?‘ I ask this because while I see ...more
WordPress Feedburner Plugin
26th of January 2006 Darren Rowse 34 Comments

WordPress Feedburner Plugin

Rachel just pinged me on IM to let me know of post she’s just writtten which I really wish she’d written a year ago. It’s about a WP Plugin called WordPress FeedBurner Plugin which makes your Feedburner RSS feed (if you have one) the one that is autodiscovered by feedreaders ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Study finds Stand Alone RSS Ads Do Better
16th of December 2005 Darren Rowse 18 Comments

Study finds Stand Alone RSS Ads Do Better

Jeremy just forwarded me this article on Clickz that shows ads in RSS that are an entry by themselves (ie the ad itself is a stand alone post) perform nine times better than RSS ads attached to other posts. They can generate CTR up to 7% (much better than any ...more
FeedBurner Makes RSS Feeds More Interactive
14th of December 2005 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

FeedBurner Makes RSS Feeds More Interactive

Subscribers to my RSS feed will notice (hopefully) a few changes to how it looks today as I’m testing FeedBurner’s latest offering – a system called FeedFlare (press release) which gives publishers a few new interactive tools to show feed readers. FeedFlare gives publishers the opportunity to activate any or ...more
Promote your RSS feed with ‘Add to Google’ button
22nd of November 2005 Darren Rowse 10 Comments

Promote your RSS feed with ‘Add to Google’ button

You can now add a Add to Google button to your blog that will promote your RSS feed to readers to help them add your feed to their Google homepage and/or Google Reader. found via Steve
Blog Promotion
12.2% Of ‘Top’ Blogs use RSS Advertising
18th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

12.2% Of ‘Top’ Blogs use RSS Advertising

Peter has been digging around the Feedster Top 500 list (a list of ‘top blogs’ that was going to be updated monthly but hasn’t changed since August) again and has an interesting statistic – 12.2% Of the List have RSS Advertising in their feeds. This is in contrast to the ...more
YPN testing RSS Ads
5th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

YPN testing RSS Ads

Looks like Yahoo’s Publisher Network is widening their beta test to RSS ads if the RSS feed of our friend Jen is any indication. Still patiently waiting for them to widen their test to non US testers…. Is anyone out there actually earning anything significant from RSS advertising? I have ...more
Yahoo Publisher Network RSS Ads
15th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Yahoo Publisher Network RSS Ads

Jen has spotted what we’ve all been expecting to see – Yahoo Publisher Network RSS ads. She writes: ‘The ads are delivered as images and seem to have an autogenerated script of some sort as it contains start and end tags in the RSS code.’ She has screen caps of ...more