CategoryProBlogger Site News

Live Blogging Resumes
‘V’ and I returned last night from our mini-break – three days of touring wineries, eating at some amazing restaurants, sitting in front of cosy fires, reading intriguing books and enjoying some sunshine and beautiful countryside. There was no blogging, no email, no spam comments, no trolls, no earnings updates, ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Short Vacation
V and I will be heading up the highway this morning for a long weekend away from Melbourne. After a pretty massive month of blogging and other work the break comes at a good time for us both as we’re both pretty worn out. I’ll be leaving my laptop at ...more
ProBlogger Site News

I’m a Six Figure Blogger
It just hit me – like a truck – that I’ve just become six figure blogger. When Andy and I selected that name for our course on entrepreneurial blogging – earning over $100k from blogging in a 12 month period was more of a catchy name and a dream than ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Six Figure Blogging – Early Bird Discount
If you’re considering enrolling in the Six Figure Blogging course that Andy and I are running then you might be interested in the Early Bird Discount that we’ve just announced which is valid up until September 8th midnight (US EST). This gives people to register for the free call (you ...more
ProBlogger Site News

T-Shirt Competition Debrief – Was it Successful?
Quite a few readers have asked how successful the T-Shirt competition has been. How many shirts have we sold? Is it worth it? I’m not going to go into specifics about which shirt sold how many or even what the total sales have been in the ProBlogger shop – but ...more
Other Income Streams

ProBlogger T-Shirt Competition Winner
It’s been such a long time since I started the ProBlogger T-Shirt Design competition that when it finally ended a few days back it had completely slipped my mind!!! Apologies to the finalists for not announcing this sooner but I’m getting a absent minded in my middle age. Anyway – ...more
ProBlogger Site News

ProBlogger in the Press Page
Today I’ve added a ProBlogger In the Press page to this blog as a central place to list the mentions this blog has had in mainstream media (and some of the larger online news sources.
ProBlogger Site News

US Blog/Web Conferences – Which one is best for ProBlogger?
I might be in a position to be able to get over to the US in October or November and am wondering which conference to get to. So far I know of two that might be worth while and would love to get your opinion on them. Which should I ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Google Talk – First Impressions
My initial reactions to Google Talk – the new IM communication tool from Google. 1. No downloads for Mac Users 2. I can use it with Adium but its slowed my Powerbook to a crawl just chatting with one other person on it 3. I can’t use it to make ...more
ProBlogger Site News