
2Web Podcast
I just listened to a good podcast at TPN by three of the guys (Nik, Ben and Cameron) from the new Aussie 2Web. The highlight for me was Nik’s description of Web 2.0 – I’m not sure I’ve heard it explained better.

Jason Calacanis on Podcasting Business Models
I just watched this 12 minute video clip of Jason Calacanis talking about 6 business models around Podcasting which was recorded by JD Lasica from Engadget. It’s an interesting piece that I think is not only quite helpful for those experimenting with podcasting but those looking for blogging networks as ...more

Podcast advertising – Fruitcast
One of the long standing problems with podcasting for dollars is the business model – and particularly trying to find advertisers willing to sponsor a podcast (in fact finding advertisers can be a problem for bloggers also). Fruitcast is a new service for podcasters that attempts to help them find ...more

Motorola Sponsor the Podcast Network
Congratulations to Mick and Cameron over at The Podcast Network for securing a three month sponsorship from Motorola ‘Motorola Mobile Devices, a global leader in wireless communications, today announced that it has entered into a three-month strategic marketing partnership with The Podcast Network (TPN), the world’s first commercial podcast network. ...more

60 Minutes to Cover The Podcasting Network
1.6million Aussies are about to hear about Podcasting. Now if only I can get Cameron to mention me in his interview! How much Cameron?

G’Day World – ProBlogger Podcast
Cameron Reilly (from the Podcast Network) and I have a semi regular breakfast together and today he pulled out the microphone and interviewed me for his G’day World show podcast. Cameron may just have been desperate for an interview (or maybe he was impressed my deep thoughts on everything from ...more

Canadian Professional Blogging Podcast 2.2 – your blogging voice continued
For those of you following the start of our Canadian Professional Blogging series, thanks for turning in. Tris and I really appreciated the feedback and have built upon that to create a more detailed look at finding your blogging voice. Having a voice is a key factor in getting noticed, ...more

Canadian Professional Blogging Podcast No 2: Developing your Blogging Voice
Arieanna and I finished our next episode of our Canadian Professional Blogging Podcast on Monday. This is part 1 of a two part episode on developing your blogging voice. This part is more academic on how we developed our voices and how they have changed and matured. Part 2 will ...more

Canadian Professional Blogging Podcast: No. 1 On becoming a professional blogger
Welcome to the first Canadian Professional Blogging Podcast with me, Tris Hussey, and Arieanna Foley. This is the recording I mentioned on Friday. The delay was worth the wait because we got permission to use some music from The Kitchen for the intro and outro music for the podcast. We’re ...more
Blogging for Dollars