CategoryMiscellaneous Blog Tips

There’s a Hole in My Blog? – Holistic Blogging
“Your blog will only ever be as good as it’s weakest component.” Warning: Tangent Ahead Imagine you’ve been given a task of hauling water from one place to another (over a long distance) – but that all you’ve been given to do the job is a rusty old bucket which ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Getting inside your Blog Reader’s Mind
Peter has another worthwhile post at Ads On Blog on the topic of Optimum Placement of Google Ads where he suggests that bloggers consider five questions when they decide how to place ads on their blog. Here are the first three which I think are key: ‘1. What is a ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

The Secret to Interactive Blogging – Expertise blended with Invitation
Rob Hof over at Business Week has stumbled upon one of the secrets of growing interactivity on a blog – it’s about not knowing all the answers. He notices that the posts with most comments on his blog are where he asks for help. ‘The tough thing for journalists, I ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Blogging Strategy – Be a Maven
Paul Chaney has a good post on ‘Mavens’ – a term used in Malcolm Gladwell’s book – Get the Latest Price on the The Tipping Point (an absolute must read): ‘The Maven is a person who knows everything about something. Ask them a question about that topic and they’ll give ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Overnight Blogging Success
Here is a quote from Paul Allen that I should be tattooed to the foreheads of all bloggers hoping to make it rich via their blogging efforts: ‘My brother Curt, founder of Folio Corp, former CEO of, and current CEO of Agilix, a venture-backed company, is fond of saying ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

When is it time to ‘Go Pro’ as a Blogger?
Instant Messaging Conversation with Reader (used with permission – name changed to protect the innocent) Rex – ‘Darren Darren Darren….I’ve decided to become a Professional Blogger!!!!’ Darren – ‘Wow that’s exciting Rex!’ Rex – ‘yeah I’m writing my letter of resignation as we speak….’ Rex – ‘I can’t wait to ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Email Newsletters Tips for Bloggers
Yesterday I talked about Why Email Newsletters might be a good companion tool for a blog – today I want to get a bit more practical and talk about how to use them. As I’ve researched the topic I’ve realized that this could be quite a long series of posts ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Why Email Newsletters Can Improve your Blog
One way that I’ve experimented with to build community and loyalty among readers on my blogs is to offer readers a free regular newsletter. I’ve found that since started using newsletters that it’s added a new dimension of community to my blogs. Newsletter days have higher traffic for starters and ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Using Comments on your Blog
Human beings are relational. We like to be acknowledged. We like too participate and contribute. We like to feel that what we have to say is valuable. Most of your blog’s readers are human beings (well most of mine are). So acknowledge and interact with them. The most common way ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips