CategoryMiscellaneous Blog Tips

20 Ideas for a Great Blog
Carson McComas from FrogBody has an good post titled 20 Ideals for a Great Podcast which I enjoyed reading this morning (found via Life Hacker). But as I did I found myself wondering if the tips might actually help bloggers too. So here’s my comments on each of the points ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Jason Calacanis Gives Advice
John Evans over at Syntagma has just posted a short Interview with Jason Calacanis of Weblogs Inc (well done John – Jason is a hard man to tie down for an interview of any length – I gave up a year ago :-) ). John asked Jason ‘what’s the single ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Measure a Blog’s Success?
As I was writing my post a couple of days back on the Conversation Index (comment to post ratio) that some bloggers are talking about as a measure of success for blogging I found myself asking the question: ‘How should a blog’s success be measured?’ As I mentioned in my ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Selling Text Links
It seems that more and more bloggers are being approached via email by companies seeking to buy text link ads on their blogs. For example one of my readers forwarded me this email yesterday (names have been removed): Greetings – I am looking to purchase 5 text link ads on ...more

Blog Stalkers – Personal Safety for Bloggers
‘Stalker’ is such a harsh word and one not to be used lightly but in December of last year I realized that I had one. I’ve hinted at this once or twice in this blog and in my email newsletter and some ProBlogger readers did see a few of the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Make Your Millions through Blogging???
I just saw a blog post on a blog (I’m not going to link to it because it’s a pretty spammy site that pushes splog software and was filled with lots of affiliate ads) that made me laugh (and feel a little depressed all at once). The topic of the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Using a Blog Editorial Calendar to Plan Content
If you’re the type of blogger who needs (or likes) a bit of structure and planning in your blogging activities you might like to check out the Editorial Calendar that Andy has put together to help you map a rhythm for your blog. I will say that this sort of ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What to Do when Your Blog is Attacked
‘Blogging would be great if it wasn’t for the people.’ This is the comment of one blogger that I spoke with recently after they’d had a particularly hard week of blogging. He had come under quite intense criticism from a number of other bloggers in his niche who had attacked ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Most Blog Readers Don’t Care they are Reading a Blog
One of the problems of immersing yourself in any one sub-group of people is that it’s very easy to lose the bigger picture. This happens in many areas of life but is true for bloggers and more specifically for those who are active in the ‘Pro Blogging’ part of the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips