CategoryFeatured Posts

12 Lessons from 4 Inspiring Local Business Blogs
3rd of November 2012 Darren Rowse 34 Comments

12 Lessons from 4 Inspiring Local Business Blogs

Earlier this week I explained why every business needs a blog. Today I want to show you just how much potential there is for businesses to connect with their customers through a blog. The blogs I’ve chosen here are all for small businesses I know of. I’ve tried to look ...more
Business Blogging
6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog
31st of October 2012 Darren Rowse 38 Comments

6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog

Last week’s Blogging in Brief post looked at a really surprising business blog post. In fact, this was a post from a government body, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention—not the kind of place you might expect to have a raging sense of humor. Business blogging doesn’t have to ...more
Business Blogging
Use Product Promotions to Add Value on Your Blog—and Others
29th of October 2012 Darren Rowse Comment

Use Product Promotions to Add Value on Your Blog—and Others

We get a lot of requests for co-promotions here at ProBlogger, and at Digital Photography School as well. No matter what niche you’re in, if your blog has a reasonably engaged audience, you’re probably the target for others who want to promote their new products. On the flip side, you ...more
Blog Promotion
Weekend Project: Learning to Fail
27th of October 2012 Darren Rowse 16 Comments

Weekend Project: Learning to Fail

This weekend, we’re taking a different approach with our weekend project, and touching on a topic that I think is overlooked a lot in blogging. And that’s failure. In a world like this, where it’s so easy to try new things out—new social networks, new product ideas, and so on—it’s ...more
Featured Posts
Blogging in Brief: Smart Writing Techniques, Swipe Files, and Myths Dispelled
25th of October 2012 Darren Rowse 17 Comments

Blogging in Brief: Smart Writing Techniques, Swipe Files, and Myths Dispelled

This week, I’m kicking off a new, regular feature here on ProBlogger, called Blogging in Brief. The idea each time is to highlight a few cool, interesting, creative ideas that professional bloggers are implementing as potential inspiration for you. ProBlogger’s based upon a philosophy of sharing stories and learning from ...more
Featured Posts
Bounce Rates High? Why?
22nd of October 2012 Darren Rowse 33 Comments

Bounce Rates High? Why?

Most bloggers I know want to reduce their bounce rates. Sometimes it can seem as if it doesn’t matter what the bounce rate for a page actually is, we want it to be lower! While it’s a stretch to expect we’ll hit a zero bounce rate, for most bloggers, it ...more
Featured Posts
Blogging Isn’t a Numbers Game: It’s a People Game
19th of October 2012 Darren Rowse 28 Comments

Blogging Isn’t a Numbers Game: It’s a People Game

Last month I had the privilege of attending one of the biggest events in Australia—the AFL (Australian Football League) Grand Final. For those of you outside Australia, it’s kind of like the Superbowl of Aussie football (without all the cool ads and wardrobe malfunctions…). Anyway, I was a guest (with ...more
Featured Posts
What’s Good for the Blogger Is Good for the Blog
13th of October 2012 Darren Rowse 25 Comments

What’s Good for the Blogger Is Good for the Blog

As we were preparing this weekend’s posts—which all deal with topic of productivity and the blogger’s lifestyle—I was reminded of a blogging truism that many of us seem to forget. For the blogger who’s taking their blog and their readership seriously, what’s good for us is generally good for our ...more
Be Productive
Writing for a Diverse Audience, Part 2
8th of October 2012 Darren Rowse 20 Comments

Writing for a Diverse Audience, Part 2

Last week’s post on writing for a diverse audience sparked a great discussion, with some really interesting thoughts contributed by bloggers at all stages of building a blog, and from a range of markets and niches. One thing that really struck me about these conversations was that bloggers seem to ...more
Featured Posts