CategoryFeatured Posts

Learn How to Get Your Blog Ranking High in Search Engines – An Interview with Aaron Wall
Over the next couple of days you’re in for a treat because I’ve managed to secure an interview with Aaron Wall – a blogger and author that has literally added thousands (if not tens of thousands) to my own blogging earnings over the last few years as a result of ...more
Featured Posts

How to Get Loads of Traffic from a Group Writing Project
Last week I decided to run a small experiment on the ProBlogger reader community (please forgive me for making you a guinea pig). In my post revealing a batch of reader blog tips in the 31 day project I inserted a CrazyEgg tracking code to track what links in the ...more
Featured Posts

9 Lessons You Can Learn about Blogging By Watching Me Sell My House
Today is Auction Day for our house (the house that blogging bought). While I’ve bought houses before I’ve never sold one and the whole experience has been one of a lot of learning. We’ll find out how it will end later today (12 hours from now) – but as we ...more
Featured Posts

10 Ways to Hurt Your Blog’s Brand by Commenting on Other Blogs
Ask popular bloggers for 10 ways to build traffic to a new blog and I’ll guarantee that almost all of them will mention the importance of commenting on other blogs as part of their answer. Much has been written about commenting as a strategy to build traffic (because used correctly ...more
Blog Promotion

When it Feels Like Nobody is Reading Your Blog
I was chatting with two friends last week – one of them is a blogger and the other was considering starting a blog. My blogging friend was dispensing a few words of wisdom on how to start out (the usually kind of beginner blogging tips) when he said something out ...more
Featured Posts

Make a Reader Famous
Do you want to be famous? Do you want to be noticed? Do you want people to know who you are? Do you want to have more influence? I did an informal survey of bloggers at a workshop and asked them why they blog. The majority of answers had something ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Create a Sneeze Page and Propel Readers Deep Within Your Blog
It’s Day 18 in the 2007 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project and today your task is to develop a ‘Sneeze Page’ (or pages) for your blog. One of the challenges that faces blogs that have been around for a while is that they end up with a ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Why does my Feedburner Subscriber Count Fluctuate?
Why does my Feedburner subscriber count fluctuate so much? Are people unsubscribing and subscribing as much as my Feedburner counter says? I notice your Feedburner counter goes up and down each day – why? My RSS Subscriber Counter Goes Down Every Weekend – Why? Over the last week I’ve been ...more
Featured Posts

How to Draw StumbleUpon Users Into Your Blog
The potential for StumbleUpon to send traffic is often under-estimated, particularly by new bloggers. Unlike digg and, an item doesn’t need to become popular before you see immediate results. One or two votes can bring a hundred or more readers — more than a new blog might see in a day.
Blog Promotion