CategoryFeatured Posts

Overcoming Blogger Fright
22nd of March 2011 Darren Rowse 201 Comments

Overcoming Blogger Fright

“I don’t think I have what it takes to put myself ‘out there’ every day.” “Who would want to read what I have to say?” “Do you ever get used to the fact that strangers are reading what you write?” “I don’t think I have enough ego to do this!” ...more
Featured Posts
The 11 Definitive Rules of Blogging
8th of March 2011 Darren Rowse 160 Comments

The 11 Definitive Rules of Blogging

Today I thought I’d compile a definitive list of must follow rules for bloggers that all successful blogs follow: I was going to stop at ten, but 11 has a much nicer ring to it, don’t you think? Plus point number 11 brings them all together nicely. This post was ...more
Featured Posts
Why My Accountant Thinks I Robbed a Bank
25th of February 2011 Darren Rowse 111 Comments

Why My Accountant Thinks I Robbed a Bank

My accountant just called and asked me if I’d robbed a bank. She just saw the figures from the last few months of blogging and, as I mentioned back in my December earnings update, we’ve had some very good months lately. December was my biggest month ever, but January and ...more
Blogging for Dollars
5 Sales Email Myths that are Costing You Money
17th of February 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 54 Comments

5 Sales Email Myths that are Costing You Money

Recently, I worked with Darren on some sales content—including launch emails—for the release of a new product at DPS. That launch email was tested against another version written by a professional marketer in a split test before the launch. In (what was to me) a shock result, the email I’d ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to Harness Your Email List to Help Pay Your Rent
16th of February 2011 Guest Blogger 72 Comments

How to Harness Your Email List to Help Pay Your Rent

This guest post is by the Blog Tyrant. Wouldn’t it be nice to send out an email or two and pull in $10,000+ to pay your rent or mortgage payments for the year? It is actually possible using your own products or those of selected affiliates. And while some of ...more
Blogging for Dollars
10 David Ogilvy Quotes that Could Revolutionize Your Blogging
2nd of February 2011 Darren Rowse Comment

10 David Ogilvy Quotes that Could Revolutionize Your Blogging

This week, I’ve been reading The King of Madison Avenue—an interesting biography of ad man David Ogilvy (aff). I’ve always been fascinated with Ogilvy and see a lot in what he’s done as relevant to bloggers. So here’s some of his more famous quotes, with a few thoughts on how ...more
Featured Posts
Boost Your Blog Traffic: A Guide For Bloggers Who Want More Traffic in 2011
15th of January 2011 Darren Rowse 100 Comments

Boost Your Blog Traffic: A Guide For Bloggers Who Want More Traffic in 2011

Are you looking for more traffic for your blog? If you answer yes – you’re not alone. In fact you’re in the vast majority of bloggers. I ran a survey of a segment of ProBlogger readers recently and a ‘lack of traffic’ was identified as the #1 challenge that bloggers ...more
Featured Posts
Take Your Blog to the Next Level with Blogging Success Summit 2011
1st of January 2011 Darren Rowse 48 Comments

Take Your Blog to the Next Level with Blogging Success Summit 2011

Update: The 50% discount on this ends Thursday 20 January! If you’re looking to take your blogging up a notch in 2011 with some great training then you’ll want to check out Blogging Success Summit 2011. This is a completely online/virtual event and it is currently 50% off (a limited ...more
Business Blogging
FeelGooder: the Backstory Behind My Newest Blog
20th of November 2010 Darren Rowse 115 Comments

FeelGooder: the Backstory Behind My Newest Blog

Earlier this week I launched a new blog: FeelGooder. This post will give some of the backstory behind it (expect another one next week with more). What? Another blog? Are you crazy? One of the most common reactions I get when I mention that I’m starting a new blog is ...more
Case Studies