CategoryBuild Community

The Importance of Building Community on Your Blog
Today’s principle in our series on successful blogging is all about building community on your blog. Let me share how I discovered that community was possible in the online space with a story: I discovered the power of online community on the very first day that I went online (I ...more
Build Community

The Importance of Being Useful
Have you ever stumbled upon a blog that felt like it was speaking directly to you, solving a problem you didn’t even know you had? That’s the power of “usefulness” in blogging, a concept that’s not just a philosophy for me, but the backbone of my approach to blogging and ...more
Build Community

Trust – Principles of Successful Blogging #2
Today I want to continue our series of posts looking at principles of building a successful blog by looking at the topic of “trust”. A fundamental principle in marketing and relationship building is that people tend to do business with individuals or companies they know, like, and trust. This is ...more
Build Community

10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog
Only 1 out of every 100 Readers Comment on your Blog A Jakob Nielsen study once found that 90% of online community users are lurkers (read or observe without contributing) with only 9% of users contributing ‘a little’ and 1% actively contributing. Are only 1% of your blog’s users are ...more
Build Community

11 Tips to Create a Personal Connection with Your Audience
Have you ever experienced being very connected to a blogger? For me, there’s been several times over the years where it’s felt like a blogger is talking directly to me through their writing and/or podcasting. Some content creators just seem to have that sense of who is on the other ...more
Build Community

The 5 Stages of Building a Culture of Community on a Blog
Last week we looked at some of the benefits and costs of building community on a blog – today I’d like to move onto some of the ‘how to’ by examining the stages of building community that I went through on Digital Photography School. Build a CULTURE of Community – ...more
Build Community

9 Benefits [and 3 Costs] Of Building Community On Your Blog
Do you ever feel – as you blog – like you’re talking to an empty room? Day after day you publish posts only to have them greeted by…. If that is how you feel – then you’re not alone. In fact one of the most common questions that I hear ...more
Build Community

How to Avoid Becoming a Negative Blogger
Recently we’ve been looking at a variety of ways that bloggers let their blogs ‘slip’ over time. So far we’ve looked at mainly things that are pretty easy to identify – but today I want to look at something that creeps into the attitude of many bloggers over time ...more
Build Community

How to Avoid Comment Spam Taking Over Your Blog
One of the saddest things that I see on blogs is where a blogger completely gives up on staying on top of comment spam. You dig into their archives searching for information and expertise on their topic only to find their comments section completely riddled with comments that range from ...more
Build Community