CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Essential Pro Blogging Tools
Hypothetical question time – If you were stranded on a desert island (with dsl broadband and a laptop) and the had to make a living (to pay for your boat ride home) from blogging – what would be your top 5 blogging tools/programs/services? Ok – silly question – but someone ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Betting on Tools that Power Blogs
BusinessWeek has an interesting article that talks about another option for making money from blogs – through the infrastructure that makes blogs possible. They write – ‘While Web log entreprenuers search for a viable business model, venture capitalists are backing companies that make it all possible Ask David Sifry when ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

TypePad Blogs to get Contextual Advertising
Kanoodle and Six Apart (makers of Typepad and Moveable Type blogging systems) are partnering together to offer Typepad bloggers the opportunity to run contextual ads to their site – and thereby add a revenue stream to their blogs. This is similar to what Blogger blogs can do with Adsense – ...more

Blogging Resources – has a good list of blogging links including blogging tools and ‘how to’ guides.
Blogging Tools and Services

URL info – Analyze and Improve your Blog
URL info is one of the most useful tools for probloggers that I’ve recently stumbled upon. It may not look overly sexy when you first surf into it but this simple page has 107 useful tools for you to analyze and improve your site. They describe it as follows: URLinfo ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Gawker Targets Males with New Blogs
ProBlogger Nick Denton from Gawker has just announced three new blogs: – Jalopnik a blog about Cars – Kotaku a blog about Video Games – Screehead a blog about “funny shit.” The blogs unashamedly are targeting a young male readership – a smart strategic move from Gawker who has obviously ...more
Blog News

CopyScape – Keeping your Content Secure from Plagiarists
CopySafe is an internet infringement Protection tool that helps you to find out of people are stealing your blog’s content. I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a number of sites recently that have copied and pasted articles that I’d written word for word (and link for link) from one of my blogs ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

GreyMatter Blog Publishing Platform Review
Business Blog Consulting has a good review of the Grey Matter Blog Publishing platform that is really worth a read if you’re thinking through which is the best blogging platform for you. Rick describes Grey Matter in this way: “It’s a server-side, PERL-based platform, like Movable Type, which means, among ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Nokia pioneers cellphone blogging
Tools like those Nokia and Six Apart are developing for moblogging will be very useful for pro-bloggers in the future. The technology is constantly improving to allow updating your blog from virtually anywhere. ‘E-mails and text messages are passe, if you talk to Nokia’s director of multimedia applications Christian Lindholm. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services