CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Changes in WordPress 2.0.5
Mark has an outline on the changes in soon to be released WordPress 2.0.5 (via David at Blogging Pro).
Blogging Tools and Services

bbPress 0.72 Launches
If you run WordPress and are thinking of adding forums to your site you might be interested to hear that bbPress 0.72 has been launched in the last day or two. I’m yet to play with it but you can see it in action here and it seems to have ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Blog Juice Calculator
Text Link Ads have created a new toy for bloggers to play with called the Blog Juice Calculator (aff) which gives your blog a ranking on how much ‘blog juice’ it has in comparison to other blogs in your niche. They measure your blog juice by looking at Bloglines subscribers ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

AdSense, YPN and Chitika Preview Tool
Have you ever wondered what ads are showing in your AdSense, Chitika and YPN units around the world in different locations? These advertising systems are all geographically targeted advertising systems (Chitika less so but they do to some extent). The ads you see in your part of the world can ...more

103bees Adds Long Tail Analysis
103bees has added yet another new and illuminating feature to it’s search engine metrics package. This time they’re giving publishers a visual representation of the long tail of search engine queries for their blogs. So for ProBlogger you’ll see the graph below (click for a slightly larger version) which shows ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Qumana Review
Martin over at the Blog Columnist has posted a review of Review of Qumana (v3.0) which those looking for a blog desktop editing solution might be interested in.
Blogging Tools and Services

WordPress Democracy Plugin Warning
Regular Problogger reader, Darren McLaughlin reports that the WP Poll plugin by the name of Democracy has some SEO problem with it as it creates multiple pages with the same content – something Google doesn’t like (it considers it to be duplicate content). Read Darren’s post at WordPress Democracy Plugin: ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

103bees Adds New Search Term Analytics Features
Those of you using the 103bees search term analytics stats package (I reviewed it here) might have noticed a couple of updates in recent times. The latest update is that they now track PPC (pay pre click) stats. So if you’re using a program like Google AdWords to promote your ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Blog Translation Plugin for WordPress
Josh just sent me an email asking if I’d seen the Angsuman’s Translator Plugin Pro For WordPress. I hadn’t but now that I have I’m intrigued. I’ve talked here numerous times about how I’d love to find ways of translating blogs into different languages so the idea of a plugin ...more
Blogging Tools and Services