CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Lisensa – Copyright Management Solution
A problem that I’m increasingly hearing bloggers voice is that they are finding other blogs (or splogs) blatantly ripping off their content in ways that violate their copyright (scraping, no attribution, republishing feeds and putting ads on them etc). Lisensa is an interesting new service for bloggers calling itself a ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Placeless Office Tools
I’m always interested in how people manage their virtual offices as someone who has multiple partnerships with people all around the world. Running a business with people you’ve not met (or rarely physically get together with) is definitely a challenge but the the large range of Web 2.0 type services ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Blog Hosting Recommendations
Editor: Check out this post on Darren’s updated recommendations for best blog hosting options for bloggers A number of readers have sent me emails in the last few days asking for advice on blog hosts. I’ve always had my hosting through a private arrangement with a friend – so I’m ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Skype 3.0 Beta – A Bloggers Paradise
Skype 3.0 (for Windows) has just been released in Beta and there is plenty for bloggers to be excited about in the new features being added. Click to Call – The new release includes ‘Click to Call’ which allows website owners to put an icon on their blog or site ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Blogger Beta is ‘Feature Complete’
Blogger have announced that their Beta is ‘feature complete’. They write: “Aside from its interface being available in French, Italian, German or Spanish (with more languages on the way), you can now publish blogs via S/FTP, a feature formerly available on the older version of Blogger. Beta’s FTP functionality is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

WordPress MU 1.0 Launches
WordPress MU 1.0 has been launched today. This is a ‘Multi User’ blog platform (it’s what is behind and is designed to run many blogs on the one install rather than just one – something I know many bloggers will be interested in. It does sound like it is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Introduction to WordPress Resources
I’m sure I’ve seen some good resources on this previously – but has anyone written (or seen anyone else write) a good free and easy to comprehend Introduction to Using WordPress that talks beginners through the basics of things like: Posting Uploading Photos Creating Categories Making Drafts Changing Timestamps Moderating ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

RSS News Reader Reviews
I missed this earlier in the month but CNET put together a review of some of the more popular RSS readers at Make your own headlines. They looked at Bloglines (rated 7.7), Rojo (rated 6.7), Google Reader (no rating given), FeedDemon 2 (rated 8.0) and Newsagator Inbox 2.6 (rated 7.5). ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

ProBlogger Community Search Engine – Submit Your Sites
So Google’s Custom Search Engine service is now live and I thought I’d give it a go to see how it works and have a bit of fun. I’ve created a ProBlogger Search Engine which you as ProBlogger readers are welcome to contribute sites to. There’s a link on that ...more
Blogging Tools and Services