CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Sitemeter Crashing Sites When Viewed with IE7
Twitter is aflutter with blog owners wondering why their sites can’t be viewed at the moment and it seems that the commonality between them all is that they are running Sitemeter stats on their blogs and that they only seem to crash when viewed with IE7. I’ve put an email ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Blog Hosting Recommendations – Who Hosts Yours?
Editor: Check out this post on Darren’s updated recommendations for best blog hosting options for bloggers in 2018 “Can you give me advice on which host to go with to host my blog?” It’s a question that I’m asked a lot – but one that I can’t offer a lot ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Thesis – a WordPress Theme Design Worth Considering
What do you get when you take one great blog designer and match him with a fantastic blogger with superb writing ability and marketing skills? Not it’s not the start to a bad joke and yes the answer could be many things – but today I’m excited because one of ...more
Blog Design

WordPress 2.6 Goes Live
WordPress today announced that it has just released its newest version WordPress 2.6. Here’s their video tour of it.
Blogging Tools and Services

MoFuse Announce Pro Version is Free
Yesterday Mofuse (a service that allows bloggers to launch and manage a mobile version of their blog) announced that they are making their ‘Pro’ service free for everyone. There was previously a free version and Pro version with the paid version allowing you to point users to your own domain ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Aweber to Release Subscriber Count Chicklet This Week
As a followup to my post last week on why I use Aweber to deliver my newsletters – a little bird just told me that Aweber will be announcing a scriber count chicklet in the coming days. This new feature is to go live on Tuesday and is is similar ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Why I Use Aweber To Deliver My Newsletters
Yesterday I announced the re-launch of the ProBlogger Newsletter (there have been 500+ new subscribers added to the list from last time bringing it to a total of around 16,000 – the first newsletter will come out next week) and since doing so I’ve had a number of questions about ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Using bbPress Forums to Community Power Your WordPress Blog
A couple of weeks ago I had an email from Terry Ng from Kineda (a great fashion site) telling me about how they’d been using WordPress and bbPress together to create an innovative site. I asked Terry if she’d tell us what they’ve done and how they’ve done it. Here ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

5 Tools that I’m Happy to Pay for as a Blogger
There are so many free applications and services available for bloggers that many of us get into a mindset of being anti paying for anything. However sometimes you get what you pay for in life and as a blogger wanting to build your blogging into a business there are some ...more
Blogging Tools and Services