CategoryBlogging for Dollars

How to Keep Track of Your Accounts as a Remote Blogger
This guest post is by Jane Meighan of One of the main benefits of being a blogger has always been that you could work from anywhere in the world—whether you are surrounded by the hustle and bustle of New York City, or sitting in a quiet, secluded beach hut ...more
Blogging for Dollars

What Blogging for Fun Taught Me About Blogging for Profit
This guest post is by Becky Canary-King of Direct Incorporation. There’s really too much to say about the benefit of a good blog for your business. A well done blog can bring in new customers, establish yourself as an expert in your field, open up communication with your clients, and ...more
Blogging for Dollars

5 Tips to Improve Your Web Sales During the Holiday Season
This guest post is by Isaac Atia of It’s that festive time of the year again: the holidays will soon be at our doorsteps. While many will be celebrating the holidays, us bloggers have to work hard to reach our sales goals. Hopefully we can celebrate this season in ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Get the Best Return on Your Blog
This guest post is by Laura Booz of Blogger Behave. I started blogging because I caught a glimpse of its potential to give something back to me. Can you relate? Sure, that “something” is sometimes money. But, as we all know, there’s got to be more driving us to the ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to Avoid Legal Trouble, Income Tax Fines, and Penalties as a Blogger
This guest post is by Sunil of Extra Money Blog. Making money online is no different than making money from any other type of business in that you have to abide by the same laws and regulations as any other business or citizen. Many internet entrepreneurs fail to consider this ...more
Blogging for Dollars

From Failed Idea to Profitable Product: What I Learned from Failure
This guest post is by Björgvin Benediktsson of Audio Issues. The biggest insecurity we bloggers face is the question of whether anybody is actually going to buy our product. We can’t give away our content forever, and those Google ads are hardly going to pay the bills. That’s why every ...more
Blog Promotion

Everything You Need to Know About Creating a Jaw-Dropping Movie Trailer on the Cheap
This guest post is by Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger (formerly Boost Blog Traffic). Ever look at those snazzy movie trailers Hollywood puts out for their latest blockbusters and wonder how you could make one of your own? Maybe you’re starting a new blog, and you want to launch with ...more
Blog Promotion

Questions My Dad Would Ask Before You Started that Ebook
This guest post is by Barb Sawyers of Sticky Communication. The pitches go like this: turn your archived content into an ebook that will rake in bucks while you sleep. Invest a weekend, maybe a few weeks, and you’ll have a book that will establish you as a thought leader ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Why Bloggers Should Self-Publish
By James Altucher of I’ve published seven books in the past seven years, five with traditional publishers (Wiley, Penguin, HarperCollins), and the last two I’ve self-published. In this post I give the specific details of all of my sales numbers and advances with the traditional publishers. Although the jury ...more
Blogging for Dollars