CategoryBlogging for Dollars

Mastering the Upsell
5th of April 2013 Shayne Tilley 16 Comments

Mastering the Upsell

Everyone’s heard of the term ‘would you like fries with that‘ – it’s probably the most famous upsell of all time. The fast food industry are not the only ones working the upsell magic. Retail, supermarkets and yes online are all over it. There’s two common terms used in the ...more
Blogging for Dollars
3rd of April 2013 Shayne Tilley 10 Comments

From Spark to Sale in 18 Days

Some of you will know that Darren has just headed off for a well earned 10 day break. While enjoying his holiday, Darren has bravely given me the keys to ProBlogger to share a collection of posts – with of course the one condition that I don’t scare you all away :) ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Four New Ways to Monetize a Blog
27th of February 2013 Guest Blogger 29 Comments

Four New Ways to Monetize a Blog

The ad industry is dead. Target will only buy remnant inventory. Federated Media, the darling of the online ad world, is just about vaporized. And media behemoth IAC is building a state-of-the-art ad sales system that will work like a trading floor where you don’t even know what content you’re ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Behind the Scenes of a Successful Blog Acquisition [Case Study]
21st of February 2013 Guest Blogger 22 Comments

Behind the Scenes of a Successful Blog Acquisition [Case Study]

I really love the idea of buying and selling websites. Recently I listed one of my blogs on Flippa, a marketplace for buying and selling websites, and sold it successfully. Then, I bought another blog outside of Flippa. Since we’ve already talked about selling blogs this week, I wanted to ...more
Blogging for Dollars
The State of the Blog Sales Market: Interview with Andrew Knibbe of Flippa
20th of February 2013 Georgina Laidlaw 19 Comments

The State of the Blog Sales Market: Interview with Andrew Knibbe of Flippa

As blogs are increasingly recognized as business assets—or businesses in their own right—more entrepreneurs and publishers are looking to enter the blogosphere by buying a blog. And as we’ve already seen this week, in many cases, bloggers are happy to sell. While blogs are often bought and sold privately, to ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Heavyweight Help: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Blog
19th of February 2013 Guest Blogger 62 Comments

Heavyweight Help: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Blog

Did you know there’s a massive marketplace out there filled with people who want to buy your blog? Yep, your blog! It’s really big business and you can make serious money if you know what you’re doing. In fact, some clever people make a pretty decent living just from building ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Internet Freedumb: Are You Falling Prey?
9th of February 2013 Guest Blogger 9 Comments

Internet Freedumb: Are You Falling Prey?

This guest post is by Chris The Traffic Blogger. I can explain why you’re not making any money online in one word: Freedumb. The irony of my writing a free post aimed at curtailing your misuse of free offers is not lost upon me. While your eyebrows fuse together and ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to Brand a Blog Product: Tips from the Pros [Case Study]
6th of February 2013 Darren Rowse 29 Comments

How to Brand a Blog Product: Tips from the Pros [Case Study]

Branding. We’re always talking about it, but too rarely do we stop to think about what it actually means. So today I thought I’d step through two great examples of blog product branding and see what tips we can take from these stories. The products I wanted to look at are ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Is Your Content ROI Really Untrackable?
31st of January 2013 Guest Blogger 8 Comments

Is Your Content ROI Really Untrackable?

This guest post is by Johnny. We have all heard about the traditional advertising campaign that cost thousands and makes almost no impact on sales or turnover. But when was the last time you heard that about a content marketing strategy? I’ll give you a clue: you haven’t. An effective ...more
Blogging for Dollars