CategoryBlogging for Dollars

Partnering With Brands Theme Week: Marketing Yourself
4th of July 2014 Stacey Roberts 22 Comments

Partnering With Brands Theme Week: Marketing Yourself

  Are you a blogger who has thought of maybe doing some sponsored work on your blog, but are wondering where all the opportunities are? Do you see other bloggers collaborating with brands and think there must be some magic list you need to be on to have these opportunities land ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Partnering With Brands Theme Week: Ways to Collaborate and Earn an Income on Your Blog
2nd of July 2014 Guest Blogger 48 Comments

Partnering With Brands Theme Week: Ways to Collaborate and Earn an Income on Your Blog

Today we welcome Nikki Parkinson, from Styling You, to chat about brand work on blogs. Nikki switched a 20-year journalism career for forging a path online with her fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog. One of Australia’s best, she’s won numerous awards, travelled the world, and created a business she loves, ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Theme Week: Make Money on Your Blog by Partnering with Brands
29th of June 2014 Stacey Roberts 20 Comments

Theme Week: Make Money on Your Blog by Partnering with Brands

For all of you who have considered (or are already) partnering with brands on your blog, this week is for you. We give you the lowdown on: advertising on your blog – whom to approach, what kind of advertising works best, where to put ads for best visibility, etc working ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Blogging Like a Shark: 10 Secrets to Bootstrapping Your Blog into a Business
24th of June 2014 Guest Blogger 26 Comments

Blogging Like a Shark: 10 Secrets to Bootstrapping Your Blog into a Business

This is a guest contribution from Matthew Capala of Shark bloggers are experts in their field of choice. However, they rarely call themselves experts or gurus. Skilled blogging pros, such as James Altucher, establish their authority on social networks and search engines by creating immensely authentic and valuable content, ...more
Blogging for Dollars
9 Powerful Tips To Help Freelancers and Bloggers Sell Digital Products
23rd of June 2014 Guest Blogger 16 Comments

9 Powerful Tips To Help Freelancers and Bloggers Sell Digital Products

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer and inbound marketer, Jawad Khan. Freelancing can be a liberating career choice. The number of freelancers all over the world has increased dramatically over the last few years, with more people choosing to work on their own terms. If you’re reading this ...more
Blogging for Dollars
2014 Reboot: Make Money From Your Blog This Year
31st of December 2013 Stacey Roberts 58 Comments

2014 Reboot: Make Money From Your Blog This Year

We are mining ProBlogger content this week for super-useful information to kick-start your blogging year with gusto. Today we focus on that old chestnut – is it REALLY possible to earn some cash doing what we love? Well the answer is “yes, but”. So if 2014 is the year you ...more
Blogging for Dollars
30 Lessons from Selling $30 Million Worth of eBooks
19th of October 2013 Shayne Tilley 38 Comments

30 Lessons from Selling $30 Million Worth of eBooks

This is a guest contribution from our very own Shayne Tilley. Before you hit me up for a loan, let me preface this post. That number represents eBooks sold in for various masters and partners in the last decade. Yes there are a couple of mine in there, but it’s ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Nine Tips to Create Banners for Profitable Advertising
7th of September 2013 Guest Blogger 43 Comments

Nine Tips to Create Banners for Profitable Advertising

This a guest contribution from full time affiliate marketer, Nrupen Masram. Some people think that banner ads are coming to an end. The problem is most of us use banners in way as they were used in 1994-2003. As time passes, the industry changes and so does the use of banners ...more
Blogging for Dollars
What Advertisers Want: 6 steps to Attract Advertisers to Your Blog
31st of July 2013 Guest Blogger 33 Comments

What Advertisers Want: 6 steps to Attract Advertisers to Your Blog

This is a guest contribution from Brianne Bauer. How do advertisers determine whether a blog is worth their marketing dollars? Promising blogs start out with must-have elements — interesting content, loyal readership, eye-catching design and regular updates. But what’s missing? Here are six ways bloggers can become more attractive to advertisers. ...more