CategoryBlog Design

TechCrunch Redesign Creates Discussion on Blog Design
13th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 22 Comments

TechCrunch Redesign Creates Discussion on Blog Design

I was chatting to an artist friend of mine about an exhibition he’s currently involved with that is causing quite a stir in some circles here in Melbourne. I asked him whether the extreme reactions that the exhibition caused bothered him or not and his reaction was that he was ...more
Blog Design
Blog Comment Form Design
28th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Blog Comment Form Design

Smiley Cat Web Design had a cool showcase post a few weeks back that highlighted great comment section designs and today posted another showcase that is looking specifically at comment form designs. Once again there are some nice examples there of some great blog design.
Blog Design
Will You Reboot on May 1st?
27th of April 2006 Guest Blogger 15 Comments

Will You Reboot on May 1st?

This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell There’s been an unofficial holiday on the web for the past 6 years or so. It’s called the May 1st reboot and it refers to the date that web designers have chosen as “spring cleaning” day. The day is ...more
Blog Design
Blog Credibility and Blog Design
26th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 8 Comments

Blog Credibility and Blog Design

This post is part of a series of posts on building blog credibility I know that there is a variety of opinions on the value of blog design within ProBlogger’s readership so this might generate some interesting discussion but in my opinion blog design does matter. It is not the ...more
Blog Design
Landing Pages for TypePad Blogs
23rd of April 2006 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Landing Pages for TypePad Blogs

Since writing my post on The Importance of Landing pages last week I’ve had a number of bloggers email asking for advice on how to make them – especially from bloggers not using WordPress (which has a ‘page’ function). Those bloggers using TypePad who want to work with Landing Pages ...more
Blog Design
The Importance of Landing pages on Blogs
19th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 15 Comments

The Importance of Landing pages on Blogs

Nice post over at Seth Godin’s on “Landing pages” which coincidentally was something I was working a little on this afternoon on one of my blogs. I’ll let Seth say it because he’s the master of this kind of thing: ‘A landing page is the first page a visitor to ...more
Blog Design
Akismet for Moveable Type
17th of April 2006 Guest Blogger 11 Comments

Akismet for Moveable Type

This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell Late last year, Automattic, the company behind WordPress, launched a brash new anti-spam product for blogs called Akismet.  Of course, at the time of launch, I took the product to task but quickly changed my tune as I understood ...more
Blog Design
Tips for Probloggers from Getting Real – the new e-book by 37 Signals
7th of April 2006 Rachel 7 Comments

Tips for Probloggers from Getting Real – the new e-book by 37 Signals

Hi! This is Rachel Cunliffe. I’m a blog designer from New Zealand and I thought I’d share with you some problogger tips from 37 Signals’ new e-book, “Getting Real” (which is selling very well). If you haven’t come across 37 Signals’ products such as Basecamp, Backpack, Tada, Writeboard and most ...more
Blog Design
Movable Type Style Generator
30th of March 2006 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Movable Type Style Generator

Blog Herald just pointed to a way to get a simple template for your Movable Type blog at Movable Type Style Generator. You start the process by choosing a layout and then have the ability to adapt it by changing colors. The layout is pretty simple and not amazing in ...more
Blog Design