CategoryBe Productive

Kickstart Your Stalled Blog Content, Part 2: Make Writing Work For You
On the weekend we looked at a little exercise for kickstarting stalled content on your blog. This approach can be useful for reviving a long-neglected blog or just for reinvigorating your blogging when you’re struggling to keep up a regular posting routine. For all the advice you can read online ...more
Be Productive

Kickstart Your Stalled Blog Content, Part 1: Six Steps to a Fresh Post
Just starting a blog? Longing to revive an old, forgotten blog? Or just feeling guilty because you’ve let your blog languish without a post for a little too long? If your blog’s fallen behind your ideal post frequency, you’re in luck. Today, I’m going to give you a six-step plan ...more
Be Productive

Forget Willpower: Here’s What You Can Do to Dominate Bad Blogging Habits
This guest post is by Bea Kylene Jumarang of Writing Off the Rails. You tell yourself you need to exercise, but you don’t do it. You tell yourself you need to write, but then you go on Twitter. Or, my favorite situation, you tell yourself you need to save more, and ...more
Be Productive

Escaping from Desktop: Online Document Editing Tools for Bloggers
This guest post is by Nina Gorbunova of TeamLab. I first faced the problem of document immobility a couple of years ago, when I was far away from my PC. I lost my flash stick and realized that I didn’t have my documents stored anywhere in the cloud. That’s what ...more
Be Productive

11 Heads Are Better Than One #QLDBLOG
This guest post is by Jodi Friedman of MCP Actions. When it comes to the world of blogging, multiple people working together almost always achieves better results than just one. So you can imagine the energy that happened when ten lucky, talented bloggers from around the world were selected by ...more
Be Productive

Unconfidence: The Essential Ingredient to Crazy Stupid Success
This guest post is by Steve of Confidence is over-rated. At least, it’s over-rated in the homogenized, misused, self-help industry clap-trap kinds of ways. In today’s world it’s both easy and tempting to start putting a confident veneer over things, because it seems as though the world expects that. In relationships, ...more
Be Productive

Maternity Leave … for Bloggers?!
This guest post is by Kat Griffin of Corporette. How do full-time bloggers take maternity leave? How do you schedule posts and get help, when you’re not sure when you’re going to go into labor, and when you have no idea what to expect when the baby first comes? This ...more
Be Productive

Long-term Goal-setting for Successful Bloggers
This guest post is by Chris The Traffic Blogger. Short-term goals can be devastating. In six months I lost over 60 pounds working out and eating smaller portions. I started off just running every day because I was sick of being overweight. Then I began eating less and obeying simple diets ...more
Be Productive

10 Fresh Tips for Finding Time to Blog
This guest post is by Brian Milne of The Corporate Mentality. Work. School. Friends. Family … and kids. We’ve all got a lot going on in our lives, and I haven’t even mentioned our online worlds yet. Twitter. Facebook. Google Plus. LinkedIn … and Pinterest. The list is always growing, ...more
Be Productive