CategoryAffiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs For Blogs
22nd of August 2005 Darren Rowse 14 Comments

Affiliate Programs For Blogs

Ok – it’s time to kick the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog into overdrive and talk about a few ways that you can make money from your blog. Let’s start with Affiliate programs (this will be a mini series). What is an Affiliate Program? To oversimplify it – ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
Making the most of ecto
21st of June 2005 adriaan 14 Comments

Making the most of ecto

A few tips on how to use ecto to make your blog more public and profitable.
Affiliate Programs
Affiliate Program Tips for Bloggers
3rd of June 2005 Darren Rowse 6 Comments

Affiliate Program Tips for Bloggers

Shai gives some good tips on hope to Make The Most Out of Affiliate Programs: ‘1) Provide good reasons for readers and visitors to keep coming back to your site where you have your affiliate links. Or, if you primarily promote via email, make sure that you give readers and ...more
Affiliate Programs
Introducing AllPosters and LinkShare
7th of April 2005 Darren Rowse 7 Comments

Introducing AllPosters and LinkShare

Regular readers will notice I’ve added two small banner ads at the top of this blog – one for AllPosters and the other for LinkShare. I do this for two reasons which I will share with you: 1. I have used both of these programs to help monetize a number ...more
Affiliate Programs
15th of March 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments


If you’re looking for a way to increase your Amazon affiliate sales you might like to check out AmazonAds – a textual ad system that puts Amazon Ads on your pages in a similar format to the way Google serves Adsense ads to your blog. I’m yet to use the ...more
Affiliate Programs
Make Money for Recommending Movable Type
29th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Make Money for Recommending Movable Type

It looks like Six Apart are moving toward an affiliate program where people recommending Movable Type will get a commission from anyone buying a license. ‘Many of you recommend Movable Type as the weblog platform of choice to your customers or clients. With our new reseller licenses, you’ll be able ...more
Affiliate Programs
Publisher Driven Advertising
3rd of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Publisher Driven Advertising

John Battelle also has a great column over at Technology Review that puts forward an idea called Publisher Driven Advertising (PDA). It is an alternative to the traditional approach to advertising where advertisers hold much of the power in the relationship between audience, publisher and advertiser. John argues that with ...more
Affiliate Programs
Shawn Collins on RSS: RSS & Blogs and Affiliate Marketing []
30th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Shawn Collins on RSS: RSS & Blogs and Affiliate Marketing []

Here is an interesting interview with Shawn Collins (an affiliate program manager) on the topic of ‘Since it’s increasingly challenging to reach the inbox of affiliates, with Spam filters, ISP black lists, abandoned email addresses, etc., I think RSS will emerge as the preferred tool for communicating with affiliates…. It ...more
Affiliate Programs
eComXpo – Affiliate Marketing Event
25th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

eComXpo – Affiliate Marketing Event

eComXpo is an online event for Affiliate Marketers that might be worth ProBloggers participating in. They are planning over 100 presentations spread over 3 days. “eComXpo is a bunch of folks’ attempt to create a “big-tent” event for the affiliate marketing industry: a single, independent venue where all involved in ...more
Affiliate Programs