
Boost Your Blog #3: Optimize Your Advertising Page
1st of September 2011 Darren Rowse 15 Comments

Boost Your Blog #3: Optimize Your Advertising Page

Continuing our discussion of things you could be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 3. Optimize your advertising page When I mentioned I was writing this post on Google+ (connect with me here), Nick Roshon suggested auditing your advertising page. If monetization through selling advertising is ...more
Advertising Your Blog: Go Viral on a Blogger’s Budget
3rd of June 2011 Guest Blogger 70 Comments

Advertising Your Blog: Go Viral on a Blogger’s Budget

This guest post is by The Blog Tyrant. Until now you’ve been relying on organic methods to grow your blog’s traffic—search engine rankings, guest posts, social media and word of mouth. But now you are thinking about stepping into the league of the the big boys (and girls) and spending ...more
Is Advertising Revenue Dead as a Blogging Income Stream?
24th of March 2011 Darren Rowse 60 Comments

Is Advertising Revenue Dead as a Blogging Income Stream?

Earlier in the week I observed a conversation between two Internet marketing bloggers on Twitter which grabbed my attention. The topic of conversation? Monetizing blogs by selling advertising directly to advertisers. Their conclusion on the topic? It’s a dead and obsolete method of making money. It was a fascinating conversation ...more
Improving Your Ad Clickthrough Rate: the Definitive Guide
8th of January 2011 Guest Blogger 49 Comments

Improving Your Ad Clickthrough Rate: the Definitive Guide

This guest post is by John Burnside of Money in 15 Minutes. Those people who have been using the Internet as a business platform since it began will have noticed that there has been a significant drop in clickthrough rate of ads over the years. During the birth of this ...more
How I Monetize Mobile Traffic on My Blogs
19th of November 2010 Darren Rowse 26 Comments

How I Monetize Mobile Traffic on My Blogs

Over the last few days, I’ve been experimenting with monetizing my blogs for mobile readers who view mobile versions of my sites. Those who read ProBlogger on an iPhone, Android phone, Palm, or Blackberry Storm will know that you’re given the option to view this blog within a theme designed ...more
How To Use Inception Marketing on Your Blog
14th of October 2010 Guest Blogger 51 Comments

How To Use Inception Marketing on Your Blog

This guest post is by Tommy Walker, Online Marketing Strategist and owner of Have you seen Inception yet? For those who haven’t, all you need to know is that it follows a team of thieves who access dreams in order to steal information for their clients. The term “inception” ...more
Newsletter Readers Do Click Ads
14th of August 2010 Darren Rowse 36 Comments

Newsletter Readers Do Click Ads

I recently attended an event where a presenter talked about the reasons that they didn’t use email marketing as part of their online business. One of the main reasons that he presented was that he didn’t think that people coming from a newsletter would click the ads on his site. ...more
How I Got Some Paying Sponsors Without Really Meaning To
7th of February 2010 Darren Rowse 65 Comments

How I Got Some Paying Sponsors Without Really Meaning To

A guest post by Josh Hanagarne. World’s Strongest Librarian was about four months old when I got interested in sponsors. I’d read the articles about how to do it, and none of them sounded that plausible for me and my situation. For one, my traffic wasn’t impressive, certainly not to ...more
The Parable of the Lemonade Stand: Is AdSense Costing you Money?
14th of December 2009 Darren Rowse 77 Comments

The Parable of the Lemonade Stand: Is AdSense Costing you Money?

A guest post by Kevin from (with some comments from me below too). Image by Shawnson. My journey into affiliate marketing. Before I start, I’d like to make two disclaimers: I don’t hate google or AdSense—this article isn’t a rant against either. I recognize that every blog is different—what ...more