
Amazon to Launch Contextual Advertising
The word coming out of Amazon today is that they are considering developing a contextual advertising system similar to AdSense. Up until now they have been using Google’s supply of advertisers to fill ads on their sites but wish to cut Google out of the equation and get into the ...more

BlogKits Announces They’re Back…. Almost
Jim from BlogKits (a blog ad system that went on hiatus for the past few months) has just posted that BlogKits Is Back! and to expect an announcement on the system in the new year. It’ll be interesting to see what they’ve come up with – blog specific ad systems ...more

Cost Per Keyword (CPK) on the Rise
Interesting article over at eMarketer on the Cost of Keywords which has this interesting graph that plots what advertisers are paying for keywords. What stands out to me in the graph is obviously December but also the difference between this July to September and July to September of 2004 where ...more

Blog Design and Ad Conversion
Peter’s posted an interesting post over at The Blog Studio on blog design and Ad CTR. Peter’s done a few blog designs lately and has found that in designing blogs to incorporate ads that the blogs have seen significant boosts in conversion. ‘What neither client expected though was that their ...more

Essential Blog Advertising Systems – Poll Results
The poll I’ve been running this week on which Advertising system you find ‘essential’ has just been closed with some predictable results and some that are perhaps a little surprising. The question asked was: If you could only have one – which Advertising System would you use? The unsurprising results ...more

Contextual Ad Prices Falling?
Thanks to Stuart for alerting me to this report into keyword prices on contextual ad systems titled – Are Internet Ad Prices Slipping? The figures are from a semi regular (quarterly or monthly?) report from Fathom Online (see their 7 Nov press release) into what keyword prices are doing in ...more

What Bloggers Want from Ad Networks
I mentioned earlier that a few of my posts might appear on the Performancing blog from time to time. There are actually a few there already, most of which are reposts from ProBlogger – however I did write this special post for them that hasn’t be published anywhere else yet. ...more

AdGenta Update
Mark Evans has an interesting review that compares his initial experience with the new AdGenta program in comparison with Adsense. He writes: ‘The results are pretty interesting. AdGenta generated 81 clicks from 83,700 impressions (a 0.3% conversion rate) while AdSense attracted 89 clicks from 26,687 impressions (0.9%). The AdSense traffic ...more

Gizmodo lands iPod Advertising Campaign
Congratulations to Gizmodo for landing what is a very large fish when it comes to advertisers. Today I noticed a campaign with Apple focussing upon iPods which link to the official iPod page. The ads are not on every impression but target a fairly high percentage of the impressions I ...more