
AdSense Turns 10 Years Old: Why I’m Grateful for it!
This week Google’s AdSense program celebrated its 10 year anniversary with a post on their blog and a G+ Hangout. While they launched AdSense in June of 2003, I first began to experiment with it on 7th October that year. I had been blogging for around 11 months by that ...more

Blog Smarter: A Step-by-step Strategy to Boost Your AdSense Earnings
This guest post is by Daniel Scocco of Let’s start with a question: What’s the single most important factor when it comes to making money with Google AdSense? It’s organic traffic (i.e. traffic from Google and other search engines). Here’s a simple example to illustrate the point. Suppose you ...more

AdSense Release Toolbar for Chrome Users: Ideal for Stats Junkies
If you’re an AdSense publisher you’re probably used to the AdSense stats shuffle. You know it – constant logging into your AdSense reports to check how earnings are going. Today AdSense released a little toolbar for Chrome users that makes checking your latest figures a breeze. Install it and with ...more

Link your AdSense and Google Analytics Accounts for some Profitable Analysis
Are you an AdSense publisher? Do you use Google Analytics? Have you linked them together? If your answers are yes, yes, and no, you’re missing out on some interesting stats. It’s been possible to link Analytics and AdSense for a while now, but I come across plenty of publishers who ...more

How I Monetize Mobile Traffic on My Blogs
Over the last few days, I’ve been experimenting with monetizing my blogs for mobile readers who view mobile versions of my sites. Those who read ProBlogger on an iPhone, Android phone, Palm, or Blackberry Storm will know that you’re given the option to view this blog within a theme designed ...more

Repeat Visitors vs New Visitors – Which is Worth More to Your AdSense Earnings?
A few days back I shared a little analysis of my AdSense earnings as it related to sources of traffic and looked at how – for me – traffic from newsletters was actually the most valuable traffic that I get on my photography site. This dispelled the myth that loyal ...more

Newsletter Readers Do Click Ads
I recently attended an event where a presenter talked about the reasons that they didn’t use email marketing as part of their online business. One of the main reasons that he presented was that he didn’t think that people coming from a newsletter would click the ads on his site. ...more

9 Tricks I Used To Triple My AdSense Earnings In 30 Days
Guest post by Daniel Scocco from Daily Blog Tips. I have been using Google AdSense to monetize my blogs and websites for as long as I remember. In fact it was the first method I ever tried (I made a whooping $15 on my first month… back in 2005). Over ...more

The Parable of the Lemonade Stand: Is AdSense Costing you Money?
A guest post by Kevin from (with some comments from me below too). Image by Shawnson. My journey into affiliate marketing. Before I start, I’d like to make two disclaimers: I don’t hate google or AdSense—this article isn’t a rant against either. I recognize that every blog is different—what ...more