Category31 Days to Building a Better Blog

98 Blog Tips for a Lazy Sunday
The 31 Days to Building a Better Blog is over and it’s time to post the final reader tips. In today’s batch there are 98 tips in total which means that I’ve now posted links to 626 reader blog tips on the central 31 Day Project Page. Please note – ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Run a SWOT Analysis on Your Blog
Today is the last day in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project and as a result I want to make your last task a little reflective and forward looking. Your task today is to run a SWOT Analysis on your blog. A SWOT analysis is a strategic ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Explore a Social Media Site
Today’s task in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project (this is the 2nd last day) is to explore a social media site (whether it be a networking site or a bookmarking one) that you might not have seen or explored previously. I’m not going to tell you ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Email a Blogger that Linked to You to Say Thanks
One of the lifelines that keeps a blog healthy and growing is the incoming link. When other blogs and websites link to you blog they inject your blog with ‘juice’ that brings it real life in three main ways: Google Juice – incoming links are gold when it comes to ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Find a Sponsor for Your Blog
Today’s task in the 31 Day Project will appeal more to those who are looking to make money from their blogs. If that’s not you – there are plenty of other daily tasks in previous days of the project that you might like to repeat. This task might also be ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Link up to a Competitor
Earlier in the 31 Day Project that I’m running this month I suggested taking some time out to analyze your Blog’s Competition as an exercise to help you improve your own blogging. In that post I wrote: “I use the word ‘competition’ hesitantly because the thing about blogging is that ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Go Shopping and Improve Your Blog
Today’s task in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project is to go Shopping! OK – I can hear what you’re probably thinking: “What? The ProBlogger has lost his mind – what does shopping have to do with blogging?” Stick with me for a second and let me ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Do a Search Engine Optimization Audit on Your Blog
One of the biggest sources of traffic on the web is Google (and it’s fellow search engines). As a result it makes sense that a blogger interested in building traffic to their blog would take some time to learn how Search Engines Rank sites. Today’s task in the 31 Day ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

What Everybody Ought to Know About Blogging – 97 Blog Tips
We are entering the last week in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project and I’m continuing to enjoy both writing my own tips and reading those being submitted by readers. Today I’ve got another 97 reader tips for you (taking us to a total of 456 submissions ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog