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Books – How to Expand your Blog #2

Posted By Darren Rowse 29th of September 2009 Video Posts 0 Comments

See the full sized version of this video at YouTubeExpand Your Blog By Adding a Book.

A couple of weeks back I introduced a brainstorming exercise that gets bloggers to think about how to expand their blog. I followed that post up with an exploration of adding a forum to a blog as one good way to expand your blog.

Today In this video I continue this exploration of how to expand a blog by looking at adding a book to a blog. In it we look at the example of PostSecret and their new book PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God.


About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Thanks for sharing such nice book for blog as I want to create a new blog and your information will be very useful to me. I like this site very much. I will buy this book. Thanks for sharing its information here.

  2. One of my goals is to someday write an actual hard cover book. I have a few ideas jotted down and really need to take some time and choose one.

    This post really got me thinking about it again.


  3. Nice tips. Very helpful. I have a blog but I don’t have enough info about the subject.

  4. Building relations is very important as you can help each other. i don’t love unnecessary to use thanks,nice piece of information etc. for a comment to building on line relations. always i used to make a comment for the improvement of that site.

  5. Perfect timing for this post.

    I have been working on a book for about a month now and my motivation was starting to flag.

    Thanks for the kick in the pants.

    I will shoot you a copy of my first health habits opus when it is finished


  6. Building relations is very important as you can help each other. i don’t love unnecessary to use thanks,nice piece of information etc. for a comment to building on line relations. always i used to make a comment for the improvement of that site.

  7. One of my goals is to someday write an actual hard cover book. I have a few ideas jotted down and really need to take some time and choose one.

    This post really got me thinking about it again.

  8. Hi there!
    I have found this site to be very informative and will check it out regularly for blogging and business tips and other delights. Thank you very much and Keep up the good work!

  9. Thank you very much for the informative article. You have tons of information to offer the online business network. I look forward to hearing more from you.

  10. Hi Darren,

    It’s an honor to be mentioned on you site.

    I just wanted to add a bit more on your topic from my point of view for your readers who get deep into the comments.

    I am sometimes asked how I made the jump from web content to book content. How did I find a literary agent and publisher? How did I capture their interest?

    Developing the content and finding my own audience was sufficient. If you do that well the agents and publishers will contact you.

    Finding your audience can also help you become a better writer/curator. Direct and immediate feedback from your readers can be painful but the fastest way to develop your communication skills and grow your community.

    These ideas are not new and Darren has probably expressed them better elsewhere on the site but I just wanted to share them from my voice.

    Thanks again Darren. I will continue visiting your site because we are all students.

    -Frank Warren

  11. I found your blog in the search engines while I was researching for something very simmillar, I love what you wrote your style is easy to read and follow. Have bookmarked your blog for future refference, Hoping to read more of your blog in the future.

  12. This is the way to expand blog

  13. I had a great time reading around your post as I read it extensively. I am looking forward to hearing more from you.

  14. It all sounds really good to add a book to my blog but I can’t get organized enough to get posts up as regularly as I would like. I totally agree with your thoughts though.

  15. Great idea from a great blogger. I am definitely going to try this for my medical blog. Great info on all of your posts. I am new to the blogging world and have lots to learn from greats like you. I love reading the comments and responses to your posts as well – great insights and feedback. Will follow up on this post.

    – Dr. Lawrence Kindo

  16. I am current looking to writing my first technology blog and was wondering where is the best place to do it for exposure.

  17. Nice article I might just use some details from here at my site.
    thanks alot

  18. This is a good idea for an addition to my Cisco blog. Others can come to my blog and post constructive comments there as well. (They have to make sense with the subject matter of course.)

  19. Nice post. Thank you. You made me think about alot of stuff.
    Two Guys |
    Blog Crazy

  20. I think I need that book to be able to expand my blog and gain popularity! Thanks for the post!

  21. Cool idea on how to expand your blog. Writing a book is not hard as we think. Its need a commitment and some knowledge. Even if there no publisher want to publish our book, we still can do it our self as long we are willing to learn more on how to publish your own book.

    Mine as well will publish my own book in this year and distribute it by myself to local vendor. :)

  22. Great tip as normal Darren :)

  23. expanding the blog is really intersting

  24. In 2007 I decided to focus on my health and pursue a better work/life balance. I concentrated my efforts on building 2 new businesses and I built a fun blog discussing my journey to life balance.

    I just recently turned my blog into a book. And now my passion is to help other bloggers and first-time authors self publish their book.

    Thanks Darren for sharing that great video and for the tips.


  25. Nice timing, my blog will complete it’s 6 months within next few days and I am going to adsense. I am going to do a lot of SEO work on it.

  26. This is a good idea for an addition to my Cisco blog. Others can come to my blog and post constructive comments there as well. (They have to make sense with the subject matter of course.)

  27. It was rather interesting for me to read the blog. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I would like to read more on that blog soon.

  28. Thanks you for writing about this.

  29. Any book that will show me how to expand my blog is very mcuh welcome so thank you for this post and keep inspiring people with your work, thank you!

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