The Rhythm Method of Blogging
One of the keys to blogging is frequent posting. This is what distinguishes weblogs from from static websites. The average blogger posts once every 14 days – personally I tend to mainly visit bloggers who update more regularly than that. As a blog reader I get to know the rhythm ...more
Writing Content

Blog Content Tip – Titles are Everything
After slaving away on your latest blog post pause before you hit that ‘publish’ button and consider your title. What does it convey to your potential reader? Titles can be the difference between having your post read or ignored. Of course there are No Rules that will guarantee your post ...more
Writing Content

Blog Designers
My post Where are the Blog Designers? got a bit of interest yesterday and a number of Blog Designers let us know about themselves and gave examples of their work. I thought I’d give them a little exposure here: As previously mentioned Cre8d Design is a personal favorite of mine. ...more
Blog Design

Get to the Point
The average person reading speed is 200 words per minute – What’s Yours? (The speed reading record is 1347 wpm) In 96 seconds they will read 320 words. So keep things short and to the point. I know this sounds crazy coming from me – but the stats show my ...more
Writing Content