Good Blog Design
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Good Blog Design

Taking a short break from the ‘Finding Readers mini-series‘ because I asked fellow blogger and blog designer Rachel Cunliffe to write a post for me on good blog design. The following is what she wrote: Darren asked me for a post on “what makes a good blog design” in his ...more
Blog Design
Blog Logo Design
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blog Logo Design

Whilst not specifically written about Blog logos, the article – Trends in Logo Design – is a great resource for looking at some recent trends in graphic design which might be useful in considering the design of your blog.
Blog Design
Finding Readers for Your Blog (Part D)
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Finding Readers for Your Blog (Part D)

This is the final post of the ‘Finding Readers’ mini series. Also read Parts A – B and C of this series. 12. Blog Search Engines and Indexes – Get yourself registered on sites like Technorati. These sites have features that allow people to search for blog entries via topic ...more
Blog Promotion
Finding Readers for Your Blog (Part C)
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Finding Readers for Your Blog (Part C)

Also read Parts A – B and D of this series. Part C 9. Web Rings – A web ring is a group of blogs with a common interest that refer traffic to one another. There are many of these dedicated to blogging on a variety of topics. They don’t ...more
Blog Promotion
Finding Readers for Your Blog (Part B)
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Finding Readers for Your Blog (Part B)

Also read Parts A – C and D of this series. Part B 5. Interact with Readers – I’ve written about how to interact with your readers before so I won’t go into it too much except to say that if you interact with your readers they are more likely ...more
Blog Promotion
Finding Readers for Your Blog (Part A)
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Finding Readers for Your Blog (Part A)

Also read Parts B – C and D of this series. A number of new bloggers have recently asked me how to get people to visit their blog. Let me say up front that ‘getting hits’ isn’t everything – there are other reasons to blog than simply to have your ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Start a Weblog
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

How to Start a Weblog

<MAP NAME=”boxmap-p8″><AREA SHAPE=”RECT” COORDS=”14, 200, 103, 207″ href=”″ ><AREA COORDS=”0,0,10000,10000″ href=”″></MAP><img src=”×240.gif” width=”120″ height=”240″ border=”0″ usemap=”#boxmap-p8″ alt=”Shop at”> Have you ever tried to explain how to start a blog to someone? Just point them to this post – Introduction to Blogging – its a great introduction including definitions of, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Interactive Blog Tools
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Interactive Blog Tools

In the last blog tip we talked about how comments are one way to increase the interactivity of a blog. Of course not everyone agrees that comments are the way to go. Each to their own. Having harped on about comments I should also say that there are many other ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Set Boundaries
23rd of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Set Boundaries

I found this great page 47 key tips from the World’s best Bloggers. It was interesting to see that most of them talked about establishing boundaries for the content of your blog. Here is what some of them had to say: Meg from Megnut – ‘Set boundaries. Think about how ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips