To Outward Link or not to Outward link….
There is a good article from Wayne Hurlbert at SEO Chat about the pros and cons of outward bound links in terms of SEO on your blog. “Few topics in search engine optimization (SEO) cause as many heated disputes as the concept of linking out to other sites. Whenever the subject ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Nerve Endings Firing Away: Google Adsense makes sense
Nerve Endings Firing Away has a good review of Google Adsene, from a blogger’s perspective. “It has been a month since I succumbed to the advertising devil in disguise. But in retrospective Google Adsense is indeed impressive and makes perfect sense for small-time publishers. Regular bloggers have achieved the tag ...more
Generating High Quanitities of Blog Content – News Sites and Aggregators
This is the third post in a series of tips on how to generate higher quantities of content for your blog. Check out the previous posts at Set Targets, News Sites and Aggregators, Start a New Blog, Break Down Your Posts, Ecto and Recruit Writers. Use News Aggregators (like Bloglines), ...more
Writing Content
Generating High Quanitities of Blog Content – Set a Target
Check out the previous posts at Set Targets, News Sites and Aggregators, Start a New Blog, Break Down Your Posts, Ecto and Recruit Writers. Set yourself a target of how many pages you’ll add to your blog per day or week. I aim for a minimum of 10 pages of ...more
Writing Content
Blog Tip – Generate a high Quantity of Content
Do you want to generate good traffic on your blog and therefore give yourself a chance at earning an income from it? Quality Content is an essential first step – but it is not always enough – you need to work on Quantity also. On virtually every Blog tips article ...more
Writing Content
Blog Explosion – Blog Traffic Generator
Blog Explosion is a new way to generate traffic for your blog. I’ll let them explain: “The concept is very simple. You read other blog sites and they in return visit your blog. Blogexplosion is the internet’s first blog exchange where thousands of bloggers visit each other’s blogs in order ...more
Blog Promotion
Blogging Sells, and Sells Out
“By most accounts, blogs — web logs to the uninitiated — scored a major coup last week when CBS News admitted that it couldn’t vouch for the authenticity of memos supposedly written by George W. Bush’s commander in the Texas Air National Guard. The conservative bloggers who led the charge ...more
Blog News
Google traffic dropped dramatically for many sites
There is an interesting thread over at Webmaster World’s forums that indicates that a significant number of web masters have noticed a drastic reduction in referals from Google in the past few days. Some are reporting decreases in in Google visitors from numbers like 2000 to 350 or 30,000 to ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Do forum signature links help PageRank and SERPS?
One of the tips I’ve seen given in many SEO articles is that if you add your blog’s URL as a signature in your messages left in forums that you’ll increase your Search Engine Ranking. It makes sense, especially if you use the keywords you’re targeting – however Search Engine ...more
Blog Promotion