I need your help Bloggers
I need your help. Truly I do – but it won’t cost you much – in fact you’ll probably get something out of it if you do. In the next months I’ve decided to interview a number of Pro Bloggers about their blogging ventures. These are bloggers who are currently ...more
Pro Blogging News
Quiz Time
It’s Jeremy’s fault that I spent the last 10 minutes doing this but I’m a sucker for a good online test. My nerd rating is 9 – They say I’m definitely not nerdy and might even be cool! Can someone please tell my wife? My geek rating is 153 – ...more
Pro Blogging News
Six Apart to go Public?
Dave Winer believes that Six Apart’s motivation for buying is LiveJournal is about Six Apart wanting to go public: ‘In all the speculation about the deal betw Six Apart and LiveJournal I haven’t seen what surely is the motivator. Six Apart plans to go public. The market will value SA ...more
Blog News
Chat with me on MSN Messenger
I have had the fortune of chatting on MSN messenger today with a couple of my Problogging heroes and thought I’d like to connect with more in this way in 2005. So – with much trepidation I’m going to let you know my MSN Messenger ID. It’s [email protected] Please note ...more
Pro Blogging News
Do Internal links boost Search Engine Ranking?
Interesting thread over at ‘Self Starter’s Weekly Tips’ forums – Do Incoming links from the same URL have less weight than incomeing links from a different domain? was the question that started the thread off. The advice is good – and can basically be summed up as follows: Internal links ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Blog Ads seeks Sales Person – Blog Job
Blogads.com is looking for a sales person. Their advertisement reads: ‘Blogads.com ,a fast-growing ad network focused on bloggers, is seeking entry-level salespeople and assistants. We’ve got offices in Carrboro, NC and Budapest, Hungary and have been featured recently in Business Week and the Wall Street Journal. You must be an ...more
Pro Blogging News
Breaking News Blog Collective is Launched
One of the projects that I’ve been working on with a number of others over the past two months is Breaking News Blog. Put most simply, the Breaking News Blog project is a collective of bloggers who are each focussing upon a niche news topic. There are currently 17 blogs ...more
Pro Blogging News
Six Apart buy LiveJournal – Its Official
Live Journal have just made the news that Six Apart are buying them out official at Big news… Six Apart and LiveJournal! They attempt to answer the ‘why’ question with the following reasons: ‘Our companies are more alike than different. We both use Perl. Together we form super robot that’s ...more
Blog News
Using your Visitor referrer logs
Wayne posts a useful tip on using your Visitor referrer logs in your statistics package over at Search Engine News Journal. ‘Visitor referrer logs are valuable records to examine, from time to time. In my case, and probably yours too, the visitor logs get more than one peek a day. ...more
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