Google testing ‘new’ user activated ads on Adsense
The Adsense community are in a bit of a tizz at the moment over testing of a ‘new’ ad feature whereby readers get to choose their own advertisements. In actual fact this is not a ‘new’ testing that Adsense are doing at all – I observed it back in October ...more
CSS Vault is Sold for Five Figure Amount
Big Money Tips today announced that he’s sold one of his flagship blogs – the CSS Vault. ‘When I created the CSS Vault I didn’t even plan on making any money from it let alone sell it. Things just happened to work out the right way in the end. Dumb ...more
Pro Blogging News
Estimating what the Big bloggers earn from Blogads
Right Wing News has done some estimates on what they think some of the bigger blogs are making from Blogads on a weekly basis. The estimates are rough and they admit they are probably over estimates as Blogads do take 20% in commissions and it doesn’t take into consideration advertisers ...more
Shady or Superior Adsense Integration?
Big Money Tips points to an interesting use of Adsense on a site. It is a fine line as to what these guys are doing with their third ad on the page which is very blended into the site and almost invisable at a first glance (there are three ads ...more
Searches on “Blogs” and “Blogging” up by 10% on Yahoo
Yahoo Buzz Reports that blogging has continued to climb the most search for words rankings: Blogging continues its march on the mainstream. It’s considered essential to consume a steady diet of weblogs to keep up with what’s hot on the Web. Searches on “blogs” and “blogging” are still surging and ...more
Blog News
Business Blog Summit Live Commentaries
I’m sure there are many people blogging live from the Business Blog Summit. Seeing as though those of us who are not there don’t seem to be able to participate in any other way (no feeds and the IRC channel is just full of people not there asking the two ...more
Pro Blogging News
Waiting for Blog Business Summit News
Is anyone else feeling they are missing something by not being able to get to the Blog Business Summit? One of the things I love so much about blogging is that it is such a global medium and so accessible to such a large proportion of the world*. This particularly ...more
Business Blogging
Trend Watching Websites and RSS Feeds
One skill that I think is vitally important for Professional Bloggers is the ability to keep up to date with the latest trends. So much of blogging is being able observe and even anticipate what people are interested in or looking for and providing appropriate content to meet there needs ...more
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