Search Engine Optimization for Blogger Blogs
Wayne has been posing hard til it hurts over at Search Engine Journal where he’s just written a series of excellent Seach Engine Optimization (SEO) posts on optimizing your Blogger Blog. It is a series in four parts (so far): – Search Engine Optimization and Blogger Blogs Part One – ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Third Party Blogging – Charge Out Rates
Today I received another email from a company wanting to know how much I would charge to write a blog for them. It seems to be a semi regular (and increasing request that I get). I’m very interested in developing and maintaining blogs for others but am at a bit ...more
Pro Blogging News
Make Money off Your Blog
Washington Post has an article today about making money off a blog. Their tips are pretty predictable and basic and centre around Adsense, Blog ads, Affiliates, Donations and Merchandising. Nothing too new there but interesting to see another article about blogging (pro blogging at that) in a bigger news outlet. ...more
Pro Blogging News
Tell me what you want, what you really really want
ProBlogger is entering into a time of change. I’m approaching my 500th post on the blog after a few months of writing and the time has come to up the anti and take things to the next level in terms of design, content and focus. As part of this I ...more
Pro Blogging News
The Entrepreneurial Blog Glenn Fleishman
Glenn Fleishman over at GlennLog has just posted a link to an audio (and visuals of his powerpoint) at Business Blogging Summit which currently really enjoying listening to. His main headings were. Obsess Exhaust Report Choose Expand Earn Populate Perform Let me just mention a few points he makes within ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
The Benefits of having a country Top Level Domain
Lee Johnson has a good article pointing out some of the Benefits of having a country Top Level Domain ie a .uk, or .au domain name: ‘Most of the large search engines will give you a higher search ranking for a site that has the tld of the searchers country. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Make Money for Recommending Movable Type
It looks like Six Apart are moving toward an affiliate program where people recommending Movable Type will get a commission from anyone buying a license. ‘Many of you recommend Movable Type as the weblog platform of choice to your customers or clients. With our new reseller licenses, you’ll be able ...more
Affiliate Programs
Bloggers Sell Advertising Space on Ebay
The Mobile Technology Weblog is another blog that is using Ebay to help them earn an income from their blog by selling advertising space on it. They are currently up to $41 for a 120 x 90 banner (for a month) after a couple of days of the auction. I’m ...more
A Professional Bloggers Workflow
Tris has a great post over at Qumana Blog about Qumana and professional blogging. Ok its a bit of a sales pitch for Qumana (which I’ve heard some great things about – just wish they’d release a Mac version) but its an interesting glimpse into the workflow of a Professional ...more
Pro Blogging News